
Tree [616737] master picclib-original /

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File Date Author Commit
 examples 2007-05-07 David Benn David Benn [b2fb29] Added removal of .cof and .log files
 include 2007-05-07 David Benn David Benn [9cdb8b] Initial version
 src 2007-05-08 David Benn David Benn [f5524c] Removed 2 orig files
 ReadMe.txt 2007-05-08 David Benn David Benn [616737] Added grid lib
 ToDo.txt 2007-05-08 David Benn David Benn [6cdd33] Minor changes to bullets
 license.txt 2007-05-08 David Benn David Benn [8668b7] Added MIT license
 makefile 2007-05-07 David Benn David Benn [b2fb29] Added removal of .cof and .log files

Read Me

PIC C Library

This is an ongoing attempt to produce a set of libraries for use with
C compilers used to generate code for low-resource microcontrollers.

For our purposes, a low resource microcontroller is one with as little
as 1K of Flash (program) RAM, perhaps 100 bytes of data RAM, and a
similar amount (or no) EEPROM. Examples of such devices are MicroChip's
PIC and Amtel's AVR ranges. The focus is currently upon PIC devices.

There are two ways in which a C program can vary for a given embedded
application: 1) due to the target's hardware, and 2) due to the C compiler
being used.
So far the only supported target is PIC and the only supported compiler 
is Hi-Tech's PICC. Further, only the following devices have been used for 
testing purposes: 16F84, 16F628, and for a subset of library code, 12F675.

However, the code has been written in such a way as to be easily adapted
to other C compilers and other targets. Free versions of many C compilers
exist, e.g. Hi-Tech's PICCLite, mikroC, gcc (e.g. for AVR, TI).

Header files in the include directory should be consulted re: the 
functionality and usage of each library. The PATHS section of each 
library's makefile should be customised as appropriate to your
environment, including the PART (target device) definition.

Device and compiler specific code (eg I/O, programming fuse configuration) 
is isolated via conditional compilation.

Gnu makefiles permit the libraries to be built in a variety of environments
such as cygwin, Unix, Mac OS X.
Simple test programs are provided for some libraries. Example applications
are given in the examples directory.
picclib is covered by the MIT License (see

I developed the libraries based upon my own interests and practical needs,
and I make the code available in the belief that others may also find it 
useful. Libraries for the following are included:

- Switch input
- Keypad input
- Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire protocol
- 2-line LCD (Hitachi controller)
- 7-segment LED array display
- LED grid display
- Timer driver
- State machines (fsm, stable)
- Sound output

My hope is that others will add their own library code to this project and/or
help to improve what is already there.


David Benn
December 2004, May 2007