
PIAX 3.1.0 is released

PIAX 3.1.0 is released. The version 3.1.0 is a new updated version of PIAX 3.
You can download ZIP of source code from Sourceforge Files.
Source code is also available at GitHub.

  • The project is now managed by Maven.

The structure of the package is changed as follows:

'piax-gtrans' - Core modules of GTrans.
'piax-agent' - PIAX Agent modules.
'piax-dht' - A DHT implementation on PIAX (experimental).
'piax-gtrans-dtn' - Modules related to DTN, AdHoc and Bluetooth (experimental).
'piax-samples' - Some simple samples of GTrans and PIAX Agents.
'piax-shell' - A command-line application to demonstrate PIAX Agents.

  • The project repository is moved to Github.

The PIAX project repository is on ''.

  • The source code is now based on Java 8.

PIAX no longer supports old versions of Java (earlier than version 8)
because of security reasons.

  • Performance is improved.

A connection pooling technique is applied for RPC.
The performance of RPCs for the same locator is much improved.

  • Many bug fixes.
Posted by Yuuichi Teranishi 2016-10-08

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