
CGI and Windows98?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-10-06

    CGI and Windows98? Whats the shebang code? Like on a *NIX it's like #usr/bin/perl or something like that. What is it on a windows system? Like, I have no idea and need some help!

    • Holger Zimmermann

      The 'shebang' or 'slashbang' line on Posix compatible systems is used by the operating system kernel in order to invoke the script interpreter.
      Windows is neither Posix compatible nor does the OS kernel support this mechanism, however an alternative exists. Basically, the 'slashbang' line may be ignored by you on Win32 systems.
      1. Operating system: You could register a file association for .PL or .CGI programs with the respective script interpreter, i.e. perl.exe.
      2. Pi3Web: There's a configuration option 'CommandLineByExt' in the CGI handler in order to associate scripts with their interpreter.
      Important Remarks:
      A couple of meaningful values are already set in the default configuration and may be changed or extended by editing them. The executables for the script interpreter, i.e. 'perl.exe' are given without path, in order to be generic. You could either add the path to 'perl.exe' to your search path in AUTOEXEC.BAT or edit the respective 'CommandLineByExt' setting in the Pi3Web configuration file, i.e. .\Pi3Web\Conf\Config.pi3 by adding the path to the executable name. The backslash has to be escaped, e.g. "c:\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe %p%q".


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