
recently I was asked, how a minimalist Pi3Web Server can be packaged
in order to run it automatically from CD/DVD-ROM on a Win32 target system.

I assumed for the simpliest possible use case:
- no administration GUI
- only static HTML
- no access log
- launched automatically from read only medium (no absolute paths, no error log)
- server bound to localhost/

The corner marks of the solution are:
- use Internet.pi3 instead of Config.pi3
- remove access log, absolute paths etc. from configuration
- launch server with Pi3Win32.exe instead of EnhPi3.exe
- remove all unused binary and other file resources

This is the list of all retained files (icons not listed here, total size less than 600kB).

This ist the contents of configuration file Internet.pi3:
include ../Conf/IO.cnf
include ../Conf/Server.cnf
include ../Conf/Pi3API.cnf
include ../Conf/HTTP.cnf

  Name ServerIOObject
  Class TCPIPIOClass
  Type Passive
    BindHost localhost
  BindPort 80
    AcceptTimeout -1
    RecvTimeout 60
    SendTimeout 45
    PeerIPVariable STRING:RemoteAddr
    PeerHostNameVariable STRING:RemoteHost
    LocalAddressVariable STRING:LocalAddr
    ServerPortVariable RFC822:ServerPort
    Flags OwnDB|SetPeerAddress|DNSReverseLookup|SetLocalAddress
    AcceptLockFile  "../Logs/lockfile.txt"

    Name MainVirtualHostInformation
    Class VirtualHostClass
    Administrator webmaster@localhost
    HostName localhost

    Name ThreadPoolDispatcher
    Class MTMIOServerClass
    IOObject ServerIOObject
    LogicObject HTTPLogicObject
    MaxThreads 10
    ExitAfter 1000

    Name Main
    Class UNIXDaemonClass
    ServerObject ThreadPoolDispatcher
    PIDFile "../Logs/pid.log"
    RLimitCpu Maximum
    LockFileName "../Logs/lockfile.txt"
    Message "Pi3Web HTTP Server Started"
    NumberOfProcesses 8

    Name Default
    Class FlexibleHandlerClass
    Init ReturnCode ReturnCode="COMPLETED"
    Headers ReadRequestHeaders
    HostMap ReturnCode ReturnCode="COMPLETED"
    Mapping MapToErrorDocument \         IgnoreStatus="0 200" \         DefaultMessage="/errors/unknown.htm" \         301="/errors/301.htm" \         304="/errors/304.htm" \         400="/errors/400.htm" \         401="/errors/401.htm" \         403="/errors/403.htm" \         404="/errors/404.htm" \         500="/errors/500.htm" \         501="/errors/501.htm"
    Mapping PathMapper From="/errors/" To="Fragment/"
    Mapping PathMapper From="/icons/" To="Icons/"
    Mapping PathMapper From="/" To="WebRoot/"
    CheckPath DirectoryExists IndexFile="index.html" \         IndexFile="index.htm" IndexFile="Index.html" IndexFile="Index.htm"
    CheckPath RefuseFileByMask AllowFileMask="EF" RefuseStatus=404
    CheckPath RefuseFileByMask AllowFileMask="F" RefuseStatus=403
    CheckPath ReturnCode ReturnCode=COMPLETED
    CheckAuth ReturnCode ReturnCode=COMPLETED
    CheckAccess AccessByFile RequirePermissions="R"
    CheckType Condition="&not(&or(&cmpi($m,GET),&cmpi($m,HEAD)))" \         StatusCode StatusCode="501"
    CheckType ConditionalGet
    CheckType CheckForDirectory SetType="internal/x-directory"
    CheckType MIMETypeByExtension
    CheckType ReturnCode ReturnCode="COMPLETED"
    Handle Condition="&not(&regexp('internal/*',$c))" SendFile
    Handle StatusCode StatusCode="404"

    Name HTTPLogicObject
    Class HTTPDispatcherClass
    Handlers Default
    KeepOpen On
    ServerRoot ./../
    ServerStamp Pi3Web/2.0.3
    DefaultHost MainVirtualHostInformation
    MIMEFile "Fragment/Mime.typ"
    DefaultMIMEType "application/octet-stream"
    ErrorLogFile "NUL"

This is how the server is started from the target drive:
>cd /Pi3Web/bin
>Pi3Win32.exe ../Conf/Internet.pi3

kind regards,