
Phoenix Mail / News: Recent posts

New phxmail-develop package added

In order to make use of the file-release system and the file download statistics, a new package is created.

On a regular base, a snapshot of the current sourcecode in CVS is compiled and the compiled program is added to this package as an alpha release.

Use this alpha release only if you want to test fixed bugs or implemented features, because it is likely that this release contains bugs and unfinished new features.... read more

Posted by Marco Hemmes 2003-10-23

Beta 8 added to CVS

I committed my changes to the CVS tree, including the change notes in the docs folder.

- Todd

Posted by Todd Fiske 2002-06-05

Phoenix Mail 0.93 beta 8 released

I finally got this finished up and uploaded. Another massive set of updates.

Highlights are basic HTML message viewing and ability to work with full message headers, amongst numerous other tweaks.

I haven't uploaded the new source to the CVS tree yet, I will do that in the next day or so.

- Todd

Posted by Todd Fiske 2002-06-02

Phoenix Mail Annual Update!

Hi All - It's been a while, but I finally submitted a bunch of changes to the CVS tree. We will take a few days or so to test and complete these changes, and will put up a release of Phoenix Mail 0.93 Beta 7 soon.

Highlights of this round of changes:

> improved date handling and parsing
> Header View - view full message headers
> use PXMFOLDER environment var to start Phoenix with a different folder
> Execute Text - use Ctrl+Shift+X to try to execute what's under the cursor... read more

Posted by Todd Fiske 2001-08-10