
PhpZip Application / News: Recent posts

PclZip: 2.8 released

PhpZip is a PHP application which manage compressed archives. PhpZip can archive and extract files and file systems (files + folders). PhpZip support several archive formats (proprietary, GNU TAR, Compressed, ...).

See details on release notes

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2009-04-22

PclZip 2.4 Released

PclZip 2.4 is a bug correction release. Several bugs were corrected, with a specific major bugs with magic_quotes_runtime.
Have a look to the release notes for details.

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2005-09-26

PclZip 2.3 Released

PclZip 2.3 is now released.

For new feature description and bug correction, please look at Release notes.

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2004-11-18

PclZip 2.0 - Candidate Release 1

PclZip has now a 2.0 release candidate 1. The main improvment is the rewrite of the create/extraction of files. Temporary files are not any more used, with improve performance and correct a bug with gz files (PHP seems to have a max 500 opened files per php process).

Please read the release note, some points may break the backward compatibility for your script.

A short "What's new" :

Rewrite of create/extract code,... read more

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2003-07-23

PclZip 1.3-RC4

PclZip 1.3-RC4 is now available. I'm now in the process of updating the documentation. If no major bugs are found during this time I will release the RC as final, stable 1.3.

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2003-01-14

Adding PclZip Library

The PhpZip application is using several libraries for compression format. These libraries have their own lives and development speed, so independant packages will be created for these libraries (at least those of interest).
The first one is PclZip which support the zip compression format.
For a full description of PclZip look at the manual on PhpConcept web site (

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2003-01-09

PhpZip supporting .zip format

PhpZip 1.7 was now released on for a while, but I didn't publish it yet on SourceForge.
This corrected now !

Here are the news associated with release 1.7-alpha :

PhpZip application is now supporting the ZIP archive format !

The PclZip library is available since sometimes and everybody's wondering, why PhpZip was not supporting ZIP format. Some works where under way to enhance the view of the archive content, so it must be at least usable before releasing the version. (see the new functions)... read more

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2002-12-21

Release 1.6

Stable version 1.6 of PhpZip is now fully available on the CVS repository (tag release-1-6). I did also commit on teh same branch the release 1.5 for historical reason and in separe branches versions before 1.5.

I will in the near futur commit the Unstable/development work for futur version 1.7.
It will add some improvments and web design facilities (using javascript more intensivelly).

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2001-12-05

Starting Project

PhpZip project is starting under SourceForge. Please be patient, I need to get used to SourceForge tools before you can have a full view of PhpZip.
By this time you can have an idea of PhpZip on
SourceForge will give access to development (CVS of the source) and support (bug tracking) of PhpZip.
Developpers will be welcomed !!

Posted by Vincent Blavet 2001-11-21