
Unsubscribe for Newsletter

  • CrashWave

    CrashWave - 2003-02-03

    This is simple and I am sure many have done it but I could not find info about it.
    Sending and storing newsletters with the same signature can get quit monotunous and just take up database space. It is not pretty but it works...
    in config.php added
    #  If you are using the newsletter mod
    #  change this to what you want your outgoing signature to be
    $news_sig = "<br><center>**************</center><br>To unsubscribe please go to <a href='$lid'>$lid</a>";

    in newsletter_admin.php added
    include ('config.php');
    at top and under
        // get count
        $text = "$text $news_sig";
    or just add
    $news_sig = "<br><center>**************</center><br>To unsubscribe please go to <a href='$lid'>$lid</a>";
    to the top of newsletter_admin.php instead of in the config.php

    • Marie Alline

      Marie Alline - 2003-02-10

      I tried this and it did not work. However from past experience when you post code to the forums it does not always work to copy and paste as sometimes it does something to the code. Could you please send me the code by e-mail?

      Thank you,

      Marie Alline

    • CrashWave

      CrashWave - 2003-02-10

      I have place the scripts I have edited on my server.
      Please backup your originals.
      Some are renamed with a 1 at the end so I have both the original and modified one just incase. Remove the 1 when uploading to your server. These are not pretty but they work (very little php knowledge using it three month).
      Changes made
      1-Admin subscription/unsubscribe notice. Email sent to admin when someone request to subscrib/unsubscribe
      2- Newsletter topics. A newsletter topic is added in the setup. To see what I mean g to newsletters. The paragraph on the top is the newsletter topic. No topic is OK but I think you need to add it to the table. If you have already set it up add this is how the table should look(line 52 in setup)
      CREATE TABLE " . $table_prefix . "mod_newsletter_list(
                 lid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
                 access tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', enabled tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
                 news_topic longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (lid), KEY name (name),
                 KEY access (access), KEY enabled (enabled), KEY news_topic (news_topic)

      3-Newsletter footer-Unsubscribe link at the bottom of each sent email automatically. This is so as not to add it to each new newsletter and not considered SPAM.
      4-Newsletter Header-Intro why they are getting this email and who it is from. Is nice to have and can also be newsletter topic.
      Changed other things like carriage return = line break removal. It was pissing me off. Made it HTML friendly. So you need <a> for links.
      Any comments/questions
      Link to download

    • CrashWave

      CrashWave - 2003-02-10

      All my changes are explained in the script and have 'Hadir' added to them so to.

    • CrashWave

      CrashWave - 2003-02-10

      ...see what the changes are search for 'hadir' in the script.
      It is my name, I am not a GUY, it is Arabic.


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