
phpwsBB 0.6.1 Released

phpwsBB is a native bulletin board module for the phpWebSite content manage system, version 0.9.3-1 or later. It features thread monitoring and administration, including marking threads sticky, locking threads, and forking messages off to new threads.

phpwsBB 0.6.1 has a minor bug fix where topic counts in the forum listings weren't being updated when topics were deleted. Also utilizing new search code for phpWS 0.9.3-2 core. 0.9.3-1 users are unaffected.

IMPORTANT: If you are using this with phpWebSite 0.9.3-1 or lower, you WILL need the supplemental core files found here:

If you file bugs or support requests because you didn't do this, you will soon know the true meaning of pain.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-11-22

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