
PHPurple - libpurple PHP binding / News: Recent posts

The project is closed


if you want commercial support for php 5.3, let me know ... )

Posted by Anatol Belski 2010-04-10

Project moved

This project has changed it's name to Phurple and was moved to This page will not be maintained any more and will become no file uploads anymore. Please visit the new proejct page instead.

Posted by Anatol Belski 2008-08-08

PurpleBuddyList is useless

So, I wanna just warn those of you, who makes use of PurpleBuddyList class - I'm planing to remove it in one of the next versions (may be even in the next). Its functionality will be partly moved into the PurpleClient class.

Posted by Anatol Belski 2008-06-06

Relicensing PHPurple

Just a short message. PHPurple is falling back to GPL. It will get neither PHP nor any other (commercial) license ever. The ground is simply, the libpurple is GPL'ed itself and the developers count is so much, that there is no chance to get a special permission to do this. If you interested in details of this discussion, take look at the libpurple's developers mailing lists.

Posted by Anatol Belski 2008-03-05