
PHPture / News: Recent posts

PHPture 1.3 alpha with smart albums released

This new version of PHPture is an alpha release because the key feature, smart albums don't work in many cases.

The PHP release from contains a bug that causes the Apache server to restart when attempting to parse XML-files, not always but often. Unfortunately the information about the smart-albums is stored in XML-files. This will not cause any damage but will display a blank page instead of the thumbnails of inside the smart-album.... read more

Posted by John 2007-11-05

PHPture 1.2: another update with bugfixes

This version is not packed with new features like some people have requested but does contain a number of fixes. First of all, viewing the contents of a folder containing projects now really shows all pictures. Secondly, sorting by date now works properly. In addition to that the images can now be sorted by pixel size and import group. The date on which the picture was taken is correctly displayed in this version.

Posted by John 2007-08-25

New version of PHPture released

Version 1.1 is now available for download, including a number of fixes for displaying the projects and a single new feature that allows you to disable the sharing of master images.

Posted by John 2007-06-26