
phpTrafMon / News: Recent posts

phptrafmon 1.1 released

Added new statistics module - points for days.
Added ability to delete hourly stats older than set in config (it saves space in MySQL).

Posted by Andrzej 'Cabal' Kwiatkowski 2004-04-10

Version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of phpTrafMon has been released.

* stats for hours, days, months and years
* classification, that shows the best user of each day with his proportional share in bandwidth
* global statistic based on transmitted data
* global statistic based on points for position on every day (counted like in ski-jumping)
* generating graphs for user's hourly statistic
* comments system
* template system (build on phpbb2 template class)
* easy to replace language file
* user can change his displayed host name
* records: peak values in a few categories
* sorting of displayed data in most of the categories ... read more

Posted by Andrzej 'Cabal' Kwiatkowski 2004-02-19