
Bugger! / News: Recent posts

Revision History

Hi all,
Revision history is now working, well sort of.
I have committed a working version to SVN, but at this point it's still a pre-alpha state. My aim now is to tidy that part up so the readable html looks a lot nicer.
Also sorta have to get the HTML code outta the php code a bit more i think.

so yeah - at the moment it's just the main ticket info, not the comments being passed into the dbase, but i'm getting there!!... read more

Posted by macka 2008-10-06


Hi there friendly folks,

I have finally chosen a name! yay! Bugger! literally - that's the new name. Well until someone comes up with something better. I've never been hugely great at choosing fancy dancy project names that jump out the page and want to drag you down into the depths of project management.

To go a little further, Bugger is a bit of a Kiwi saying (that's NZ for those who don't know). Literally it's something most kiwis say after tampering with something that was working perfectly well!...... read more

Posted by macka 2008-09-15

New Work

So far i've done the basics. I have made login/logout pages, user and project management, submitting a ticket and semi-done a view ticket.

My php is rudimentry, so i'm hoping for another developer to come aboard and give me a kick in the bum and tell me how to do things properly, after all i'm doing this as a bit of an educational exercise for me, and trying to submit something back for people to use that is simple and easy to manage. ... read more

Posted by macka 2008-06-27