
PHP Toolbox / News: Recent posts

PHP/Toolbox#2 stable release 2.1.0 here!

That's first stable #2 release. A lot of bugs and issues were fixed.
Documentation was improved. Utility Pack R1.1 is incorporated now.

Sample applications (Admin & Texite) are included again. They were
completely re-designed from scratch to use full #2's power and
flexibility. Notice that sample.pdf document provides simple visual
representation for their structure and referential model.
Posted by Alexey Ilyin 2002-03-28

Discussion & Help Forums started

Please, use them :)

Posted by Alexey Ilyin 2002-01-08

Tbox Utility Pack 01 is up

PHP/Toolbox Utility Pack R1 provides PHP/Toolbox #1 & #2 with additional
capabilities of simple and efficient data handling, for instance, XML or
ini-style configuration files.

Posted by Alexey Ilyin 2001-12-20

PHP/Toolbox#2 Pilot Release

PHP/Toolbox#2 Pilot Release is available now.

The most important thing, new in Second Edition (#2) is RETRO - PHP/Toolbox
proprietary template processing technology.

This is a very first release of PHP/Toolbox Second Edition and as such it's
not to be thought as stable. The main Pilot Release's goal is to let the Tbox
users experiment with RETRO technology and evaluate its possible benefits for
their own work before the first full release is ready to publish, possibly in
the 2nd half of Dec, 2001.

Posted by Alexey Ilyin 2001-11-30

Tbox Utility Pack 01 is planned to the middle of the Dec, 01

PHP/Tbox #1 and #2 Utility Pack 01 is planned to the middle of the Dec, 2001. The pack includes 'abstract' classes to work with XML, file lists and ini (conf) files.

Posted by Alexey Ilyin 2001-11-12

Coming soon: PHP/Toolbox#2

PHP/Toolbox#2 is a new generation of Tbox based on proprietary RETRO template rendering technology. The release is planned to the end of Nov, 2001.

Posted by Alexey Ilyin 2001-11-08