
phpSlicer / News: Recent posts

Why and how php slicer borned?

First, i has been switched to linux for near 1.5 years ago. I'm familiar with it, i'm mainly a web developer and the only point that i can't get on linux is the slicing of images. Is there some tools that allows some very painly and featureless solution but i can't find any useful.

IIRC near the silvester of 2006-2007 On a week end i'll decided to create this, and after 2days of vigiling i have something buggy, unstable but working tool that nearly can do what i want.... read more

Posted by MetaMorfoziS 2007-03-24

Lonyal has been released

I'm added multi language supporting, and i created an english version. Please help me fix it's typos and grammar fails! (My english grammar is very bad)

And, because i have forget to upload previous main version i recommend to read CHANGELOG because a lot of new feature added!

Posted by MetaMorfoziS 2007-03-24

1.1 just relased

Check the CHANGELOG (in the tar) for more informations, and enyoj!:)

Posted by MetaMorfoziS 2007-02-03