

  • Wesley

    Wesley - 2014-07-31

    I have a login at github but I can't for the life of me get past their branching concept to leave a Pull Request. You have a great product! It's very effective as it is. However, (and you likely knew this was coming) I would like to suggest some new features.

    The first feature is the option to add a password and login for sites that use them. There is a huge install base of forums and like sites that are behind a login. It would be a great addition.

    The second involves website security. Since you are already scanning a web page (if you are looking for a search string) why not compare the page size to the size on a previous check? You may even go further and compare the previous check based upon SHA or some other hash standard. Site owners will likely get additional peace of mind knowing that their sites are not only still display the same string but they haven't been changed.

    And last, how about providing the option to check for a SSL? With a check box, the user could ask that you check that the SSL cert is in place and working when you check for uptime. Possibly a niche but a niche that would care to know that their SSL is working. And a growing niche too (I am one of them).

    Please feel free to delete after reading. I know this is not a service related issue.

    Thanks again for you product,


  • Pep

    Pep - 2014-08-01

    Hi Wesley,

    Thanks for your feedback.
    Regarding the github pull requests (assuming you are familiar with git): make sure you create a fork of the main repository, and commit and push any changes to your local fork. Then login to Github, and have a look at this page: If you are still not sure how to use pull requests, just drop me a line and I will be happy to pull changes from your branch.

    The first feature you mentioned has actually been requested before (see There is a good chance I will have a look at this for the 3.2 release (coming up in september).

    The hash feature for a web page is not something I would put on the top of my list personally, because a lot of pages are dynamic most of the time. This feature would only be useful for static webpages, and I am not sure how many users would be interested in this.

    The SSL check is a tricky one. A check on expiration date could be added (but if you need to rely on a monitor like this, you really are too late..), but validating a trusted CA is a different story. Hopefully we will have a more dynamic setup regarding types of checks, so things like this can easily be implemented as an add-on.

    If you have any other feature requests, please feel free to create a new issue on Github (which is used as issue tracker). Thanks again for your feedback.



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