
PHPRecipeBook / News: Recent posts

PHPRecipbook 5.0 (beta) Ready

Please visit:

which is the new project home of PHPRecipeBook. Latest releases and bug reports should use GitHub.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2015-04-11

PHPRecipeBook on GitHub

I am now using GitHub as the source code repository:

The complete rewrite is going well. You can follow the progress on GitHub. Next step is a demo site to show case the new app. At that point users shoudl be able to get from GitHub to install a beta.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2015-01-07

PHPRecipeBook going for Cake

I am going to start converting PHPRecipeBook over to use the CakePHP framework. This should help make maintenance and new features much easier. Will probably end up targeting the new CakePHP 3.0 release coming up since it will take some time to change over. I will probably keep doing some minor bug changes during the transition but will hold out on any feature changed until completed.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2014-01-20

PHPRecipebook 4.0 Beta 1 Released

Many new features added with this release:
-Better multi-user system support (ingredients mainted by each user)
-Google/Facebook login support added (openID)
-Recipe e-Mailing
-Streamlined new recipe data entry/ingredient entry.
-Updates to Mobile Edition of the site.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2012-03-13

Major Changes in Progress -PHPRecipebook 2.50

I am currently working on some major changes to phprecipebook. Including using jquery for better UI support and updates to the underlying database support using the latest version of ADODb for PHP5.

The release should be ready by the end of March hopefully JQuery UI 1.8 will be release before then so I can include the features of the release.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2010-02-28

2.39 Release provides AutoComplete Support

AutoComplete support has been added for recipe editing/creation. This provides fast searching of ingredient names without refreshing the page.

A new link (Ingredient - [add new]) has also been added on the recipe add/edit page to open a new window to define ingredients on the fly. With the auto-complete feature this allows adding ingredients while entering a new recipe. No more changing pages mid-adding a recipe!... read more

Posted by Todd Rogers 2008-03-02

2.30 Released And A New Project

PHPRecipebook 2.30 has been released. An updated version of ADOdb has been included, it would be a good idea to refresh to get this update. If you encounter any problems please report them (they may trace back to ADOdb).

Also, I have started a new project:
The restaurant review/list feature of phpRecipebook will be expanded in this new project to allow more advanced searching/editing/reviewing. The two projects will be joined together with a unified login system, also importing of restaurants from phpRecipebook will be supported. Eventually the restaurant feature in phpRecipebook will be phased out in favor of this more comprehensive option (or maybe allowed to be disabled, we will see). If you are interested in this feature please visit the phpRestaurant project website and contribute ideas/features/needs. Thanks for your support.... read more

Posted by Todd Rogers 2006-01-01

Get The Latest PHPRecipeBook Release (2.24)

The latest release has many bug fixes to iron out some of the problems discovered. Also setup has been improved by automatically detecting the installation path and url. Give it a try and report and problems you find.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2004-09-19

New Demo Site added

I have added a new demo site for PHPRecipeBook, this site uses a recent version of PHP so it is able to support the current release of PHPRecipeBook:

I will try to keep it up to date, but most likely it will run a couple of versions behind the latest release.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-06-07

Version 2.05 Released

PHPRecipeBook 2.05 has been released. This version fixes a couple bugs and adds a small amount of features. The number of features that are planned to be added in the coming months is dwindling. The features planned for the coming releases:

-restaurant index (menus, reviews...).
-shopping list cost analysis
-nutritional information support

If you have a feature you want added please submit it soon, most likely I will be moving on to another php project soon (scrapbook/photo gallery) so best get the requests in now.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-05-27

PHPRecipeBook 2.04 Released

This release marks the end of the developement releases for a while and instead just using the stable category. Please down it and give it try and report any bugs you find.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-05-11

2.03 Released

PHPRecipeBook 2.03 has been released. This version is becoming very stable and the 2.x branch will probably replace the 1.x branch in probably less than a month. Download it and give it a try, and report and bugs that you find.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-05-01

PHPRecipeBook 2.00 alpha released

The initial release of PHPRecipeBook 2.00 has been released, please download it and give it a try. There are many new features in this release including meal planning, meal master importing, ingredient control and much more. Check the release notes for details.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-03-12

First Check-in of 2.0 code

A very early checkin of the 2.0 code is now done. This check-in does not have most of the final features that are planned for 2.0, but it does show the way that the changes are going to go. Lots of things have been split off into classes to make for easier and cleaner coding. The ability to add, edit and add ingredients to a shopping list is also working. If you want to mess with it check out the rel-2-0 branch from CVS.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-02-23

Development Version in the Planning

I have decided to branch the development of PHPRecipeBook into a development tree and a stable tree.

The stable branch will maintain current support for existing users and include features that minimally impact the format of the existing data.

The development branch will include changes such as splitting up the ingredient table into two tables and adding more options to it. Other features may include standardizing the units and adding interaction with calorie information for ingredients. Once the development branch becomes reasonably stable and tested I will make a plan for migrating to the new version that is produced from the existing stable branch.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-01-31

PHPRecipeBook 1.30 Released

This release of PHPRecipeBook includes a overhaul of the login system, Spanish Language support, Theme support, and a new translation tool (web based).

Posted by Todd Rogers 2003-01-19

German Language Support Added

German language has been added to PHPRecipeBook in version 1.26. Also a few other features and bugs have been added/fixed, check the release notes for details.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-12-31

PHPRecipeBook now uses ADOdb

The current release of PHPRecipeBook (1.23) makes use of ADOdb for all database connections/queries. This will allow easier mantainance of both a PostgreSQL and MySQL release, along with additions of new database systems.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-12-04

PHPRecipeBook 1.22 Released

Version 1.22 is out, many new features have been added, check the release notes for details.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-11-28

PHPRecipeBook 1.20 is Released

The latest version of PHPRecipeBook has a login to control who has access to adding and editing the recipes. This release also has French language support.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-11-15

New Translation Interface

The format of the translation files has changed. Now the strings are stored in an associative array with the key being the english phrase/word, and the value being the translation. The keys are sort alphabetically. This should help to keep track of what words are used. I have tried to convert over the Italian and French files, but I think some of the special characters got garbled. Anyone interested in doing translations for their local language should look at CVS and not the released version at this time.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-11-13

Login System in the works

A login system to allow control over who can edit/add recipes and who can admin the system is underway. Also the ability to export the recipes to Meal-Master, RecipeML and a generic XML format is underway as well.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-11-06

Interface Redesign Finished

The new interface and theme of the PHPRecipeBook has been finished and released. This new version also has some database schema improvements to make future development easier. Also multi-language support has now been added, Italian is the first additional language to be supported. If you are interested in additional languages please volunteer for translations.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-11-05

New Interface is underway

A new look for the phpRecipeBook is underway. Also some more features are being added (look at requested features), so the database schema is going to get moved around a lot. A warning that the next version will require quite a few changes to the database schema, so if you want to hold off on entering all your recipes until after this week it would be a good idea.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-10-29

Initial Checkin

The first version of the code has been checked into CVS. A tarball will be available for download shortly. Until then you can do a checkout on the cvs source code. Please submit any bugs or features you would like to see.

Posted by Todd Rogers 2002-10-19