
PHPope - Online Publishing Engine / News: Recent posts

New demo website online

Test the new PHPope in a Sandbox at

Posted by Graf Makus 2003-10-16

PHPope 1.0.0 released

The new PHPope is out with a solid base system. We have fixed some common problems from the old release, added a new style and adjusted some plugins for better usability.

More on

Posted by Graf Makus 2003-10-15

New project website

With the new version of PHPope, we have change the design to represent the power of PHPope in the art of webdesign.

Posted by Graf Makus 2003-10-14

PHPope 1.0 preview

The new release with the codename Omurtag is now available over CVS.

Posted by Graf Makus 2003-10-14