
PHPMySMB / Blog: Recent posts

PHPMySMB 0.8-beta1 released

In this release :
- first draft for a complete template class, now you can include as many templates as you will et can use a if tag
- templates have their dedicated folder
- css have their dedicated file

Bugfixes :
- better quote management (fix a auth bug when logging on a domain, double \ is no longer needed)
- drop all @$var
- language detection now works properly
- fix a bug in samba parser (var typo : linetype instead of lineType)
- fix 'Download this folder' not displaying in combobox... read more

Posted by Rémi 2012-03-14

PHPMySMB 0.8-pre2 released

Work has continued. Locales are now extracted from the original source file.

Posted by Rémi 2012-02-29

First version of PHPMySMB

As smbwebclient seems unmaintened I decided to publish a new project.

New project involves new direction :
- split the file
- change default theme (use of free icons)
- improve usability

I hope you will enjoy it !

Posted by Rémi 2012-02-25