
phpMyOLAP / Blog: Recent posts

version 2.0

New interface for slice-and-dice operations.

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2017-01-08

version 1.3.2

This version includes export in weka format for data mining application

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2013-09-21

Future work

Next release will include
- a feature for exporting a dataset in weka format for data mining applications
- an improved graphic interface

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-11-18

version 1.3

This version includes the pivoting operator

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-09-02


Pivoting is now available in the on-line demo version for tests

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-08-20

version 1.2

This version supports the drill-across OLAP operator.
The solution adopted here is first to query each cube individually and then merge the result sets with a join on the basis of the shared dimensions.

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-08-12

version 1.1

New features of this version:
- change hierarchy of a dimension
- change dimension of a cube
- some bugs fixed

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-07-29

version 1.0

New features of this version:
- slice and dice
- roll up / drill down
- some bugs fixed

Still pending:
- drill across
- drill through
- pivoting

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-07-27

on-line demo

On-line demo available at

Posted by Francesco Di Tria 2012-07-27