
Phase I

At this moment, I, being the only developer of the project, (grin) am working towards releasing the existing code after it has been cleaned up enough for public consumption.

What I mean by this is that I'd like to first sanitize and create as neutral a "release" as I can that doesn't expose any specific details about the company I work for, for which this software is/was intended.

I'll be creating an installer php script as well, that will set up the MySQL database properly and should make it as easy as unzipping the archive and looking at the code live via your test server.

Expected date for a clean release: October, middle to end of the month.

The existing codebase is already well over 4000 lines of combined php/mysql/html/JS code so far, and growing each day...

I hope this helps to indicate both the current state of the project, and it's future potential.

If anyone has questions, I can be reached via:

More news to come...

Posted by Chris Simmons 2002-09-17

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