
starting out

  • Helen Castle

    Helen Castle - 2011-11-27

    Hi there - I am very much a newbie and have used PHPGedView which was great
    but i cant get to work again.

    So decided to try this program

    I have a Windows Home Server (WHS) which previous ran my PHP site with no

    I added 2 Addins to WHS

    MySQL installer & PHP installer

    have I missed something there?

    Then I downloaded the zip file

    created a folder on my website and added the files

    I then need to edit the inc/ and save as inc/

    but no entirely sure what i have to edit it to

    can anyone help me please?

    I am flying by the seat of my pants here so any assistance is appreciated

    Is this right below?

    $dbhost = "localhost"; //

    $dbname = ""; // myfam

    $dbuser = ""; // helen

    $dbpwd = ""; // 12345

  • Ian Wright

    Ian Wright - 2011-11-30


    You need all the lines from - you can leave tblprefix and
    usepconnect as they are but they need to be there.

    dbhost is the name of the database server not the URL of the web server -
    localhost will usually be right

    You need to put the values between the " " so you'd want:

    $dbhost     = "localhost";  // [url][/url]
    $dbname     = "myfam";      // myfam
    $dbuser     = "helen";      // helen
    $dbpwd      = "12345";      // 12345
    $usepconnect = false;

    You'll need to run admin/install.php - see the INSTALL file in the root

    If you're using MySQL 5.5 you'll need to make the change that's listed in the
    forum otherwise that should be it

    Afterwards you should go to admin.php which lets you set various options - for
    most the default will be OK but you should change absurl, email and you
    probably want to change desc

    If you've been using PHPGedView then you've probably got a gedcom file which
    you can upload from here as well.

    Please feel free to update the wiki
    to help other people out!


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