
Tree [f39bce] master 2.25.0 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2010-08-15 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [a176bb] Initial commit.
 PhpMyCellScript 2015-03-01 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [f39bce] Bump the version.
 PhpMyCodeGenerator 2015-03-01 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [f39bce] Bump the version.
 .buildpath 2010-08-15 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [a176bb] Initial commit.
 .project 2010-08-15 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [a176bb] Initial commit.
 PhpMyCellScript.php 2012-12-02 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [959eea] Bump the version.
 PhpMyCodeGenerator.php 2013-03-07 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [4b0418] Integrate PHPExcel to support opening spreadshe...
 README 2012-12-29 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [95cbca] Update the README.
 controlpanel.bat 2011-04-28 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [f4e0e5] 1. Rename MyExcelScript to PhpMyCellScript; Ren... 2011-04-28 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [f4e0e5] 1. Rename MyExcelScript to PhpMyCellScript; Ren...
 example.json 2015-03-01 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [602e4c] 1) Update the Control Panel to install Selenium...
 example.php 2012-09-23 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [06d763] Remove the gen_json_from_excel generator, as th...
 example.xls 2015-03-01 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [602e4c] 1) Update the Control Panel to install Selenium...
 index.php 2012-09-02 Tsoi Yat Shing Tsoi Yat Shing [e061af] No need to limit the maximum execution time for...

Read Me


To install optional libraries or extensions via the web interface:
1) If PHP 5.4 is used, you can start the PHP built-in web server by:
	controlpanel.bat web
	Or: web

2) Access the PhpMyCodeGenerator web interface by:

3) Go to "Control Panel".

4) Install the optional libraries or extensions.

To run script via the web interface:
1) Access the PhpMyCodeGenerator web interface.

2) Select a spreadsheet.

3) Select a sheet to run the script in the sheet.

About PhpMyCodeGenerator

About PhpMyCellScript

BSD License