
phpMyCalendar / News: Recent posts

Release 1.1.3

- editing a day did not work in some cases - just like on the demo platform.

- this is also the first release which supports globals turned off...I just realized that this version was in the CVS for over a year, but was not available as a gzipped package...sorry about that!

-this version also includes the dutch language file.

Posted by BB 2004-06-22

Demo page

just created an online demo version of phpMyCalendar
check it out:

user: demo, passwd: demo

Posted by BB 2003-10-16

New release

- 1.1.1 is out, with lots of new features! hope everybody will enjoy them...
- I also set up the CVS repository just in case somebody wants to check from time to time if there's any further development (please use the "phpmycalendar" module, the others are side effects of my CVS-learning...;))

Posted by BB 2003-03-25

Minor update to the projects page

I cleaned up the packages after I figured out how sourceforge works...:) so the actual release is still the same that's been available since the 13. june '02.

Posted by BB 2002-06-19