
phpMyBitTorrent - The BitTorrent Tracker / News: Recent posts

phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4

Thats right Here we go again phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4 is now Gold
You may use this on a live site!

I would like to thank everyone that has helped me to Finnish this release
and to every one that has helped to find bugs and added advise for new functions

I would like to thank Krypto for his Help with the language file english.php
I dont know what I well do from this point on if I well release another version or not only time well tell.
I well help to fix all Bugs in this release so If you find any please post them.... read more

Posted by Joe Roberts 2009-10-06

phpMyBitTorrent V 2.0.3

I am happy to announce the release of PMBT 2.0.3
this is a major fix release with some new stuff added

1.New Detach feature
2.New private shouts
3.New users in shoutbox
4.Fixed close Smilies
5.Fixed some Html error codes for alternating background colors
6.Added Idle timer
7.Fixed clear shout text when you click on shout

Upload features
1.Added free leech selection
2.Added New Bit Bucket feature... read more

Posted by Joe Roberts 2009-01-12

phpMyBitTorrent V2.0

Beta testing is now under way for the next release of ..::phpMyBitTorrent::..

This is the changelog:

Overall features include

1. Completely <?php5 Compatible:
phpMyBitTorrent now works on all php5> servers including with external torrents

2. Completely New AJAX System:
This new system is completely upgradeable and can handle many aspects of the site to limit the loading of information that is now called for by all users (mostly the occasional viewer to your site) which will cut down on your server load.... read more

Posted by Joe Roberts 2008-10-15


This is a list of mods added to this new release.

This is the hacked version of phpMyBitTorrent.V1.2.1 Features: phpBB3 integration: user features include: automatic sign up to forum automatic deleting of account shared info with forum: passward email AOL messanger info MSN messanger info YAHOO messanger info ICQ messanger info JABBER messanger info avatar NEW Remeber me feature Login Logout Auto matic NEW POST when torrent is uploaded if allowed by ADMIN Admin features include: Transfer of non existing members to forum or to tracker banning user From forum the same time as Tracker banning IP Turn on and off Forum sharing Turn on and off auto Posting for new uploaded torrents Setting cookie time lemmets Offers: allow members to offer torrents for upload be for they post it members can vote on the torrent and after 3 votes for it the user well reseave a pm to notify (hem/her) that it is ok to upload the torrent if offer is not filled in 15 days then it is deleted autmaticly Offers are auto maticly posted in the shoutbox Admin features: allow for turning on and off Offers and you can set a lemmet as to what level user can make an offer Requists: allow members to Requist a torrents to be uploaded members can vote on the torrent to show any uploader how many people would like to have it if Requist is not filled in 15 days then it is deleted autmaticly Requists are automaticly posted in the shoutbox Admin features: allow for turning on and off Offers and you can set a lemmet as to what level user can make a Requist Automatic Ratio warning system: allows the Admins to let the server watch all users Ratio's as a members ratio gets below a setpoint(set by admin in controle pannel) they are added to a watch list for a set amount of time (set by admin in controle pannel) if they fail to bring there ratio back up then the are warned for a set amount of time (set by admin in controle pannel) it they stell fail to bring it up then they are banned from the site. Warnings You can Now give warnings to members from ther edit profile and you can add a Mod comment there to Warnings are displayed in ther details and the main Who's online the user well reseave a PM that he has been warned and why! casino There are 3 games you can play here Bet P2P with other users Bet on a Color Bet on a Number amin sets all limmets in the admin pannel and user levels that can play flash arcade There are 13 games you can play here some of the scores are recorded and you can see your stats and the stats of other plays and your standing on your games scores are only kept for a short time and then are removed black jack play against other members and wen upload credits this games has full card display and you reseave a PM on the out come of your games keno a Quick little game that your users can play to test there luck on selecting numbers NO PRIZE WON Torrent Nuking If for some reason you have a Torrent that is in dought or Just a bad sound or bad section but don't want to remove the torrent you can nuke it to let your members Know that there may be a problem and you are aware of it and that they should download it at there own risk! Free Torrents give your members a little some thing A torrent that well not count there down load but well count there uploads its a good ratio builder Country Flag in user details Allows users to show there country proudly in there details with a picture of there country flag in there details Invite system Give members invites o send out to there friends and family all Invites are tracked and shown in the users details to admins so that you can see who they have invited or who invited them. Good for watching bad members and ther tree!! Invite only Close your site to Invites only The only way a person can join is by invite! this works well with the invite system and you can also set a lemmit as to how many people can join your site this way! Quick thanks in torrent details allows members to post a quick thanks to the up loader for torrents. (Notice):I have also added a notice for members to leave a comment on there downloads in the header to remind them to leave a comment!! Reseed Request Members can Request a Reseed in torrent details From all members that have finished down loading the torrent which well send out a pm and a email. It has a security feature which well only allow them to send this out one time by adding a cookie so they can not flood the members with requests on that torrent! Torrents that need reseeded lists a list of torrents with 0 seeder and +leaches Polls create and edit polls for your members. Bonus Points system give your members credit for seeding the longer they seed there torrents the more points they make this is set on a automated timer. uploading new torrents leaving a comment and making a torrent Offer basic things to spend points on are Quote: 1 1.0GB Uploaded If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 75.0 2 2.5GB Uploaded If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 150.0 3 5GB Uploaded If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 250.0 4 10GB Uploaded If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 400.0 5 25GB Uploaded If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 1000.0 6 1 Invite Trade your points in for invites to the site. 10.0 7 3 Invites Trade your points in for invites to the site. 20.0 8 10 Invites Trade your points in for invites to the site. 50.0 9 15 Invites Trade your points in for invites to the site. 75.0 10 25 Invites Trade your points in for invites to the site. 100.0 Free down loads across the site you can give your users a free weekend of download by setting the free downloads in the admin panel and there down loads well not be counted only there uploads Wait times make members with low ratio wait for new downloads there are 8 levels of settings 4 by ratio 4 by uploads Make Torrents privet add private setting to all locale torrents automatically when it is not all ready set by the uploader. And More

Posted by Joe Roberts 2007-08-08

phpMyBitTorrent V1.2.2

We're proud to announce the release of phpMyBitTorrent 1.2.2 The focus of this release has been on interface improvements (including entirely new English language files and documentation, new layout for many pages, more mouse-over help etc.), compatibility (phpMyBitTorrent now runs(dose not suport external torrents) on PHP 5 as well as PHP 4.x), and looks (e.g. new category icons and file icons). But there's are also entirely new stuff, such as Torrent Bans, and a Donations block that can be automatically updated with data from PayPal's IPN. This comes in addition to a whole host of bugfixes. Please refer to the changelog for further details. We feel that all of this have made phpMyBitTorrent much more mature and stable. There's no question however, that much remains to be done. We're looking forward to hearing from you on, where we'll be working on the next release, as well as on bleeding-edge stuff like a bridge to phpBB3 (yes, 3, yes, there's no RC yet of that).

Posted by Joe Roberts 2007-08-08

phpMyBitTtorrent V1.2 beta1

We're proud to announce the release of phpMyBitTorrent 1.2 beta1 The focus of this release has been on interface improvements (including entirely new English language files and documentation, new layout for many pages, more mouse-over help etc.), compatibility (phpMyBitTorrent now partly runs on PHP 5 as well as PHP 4.x), and looks (e.g. new category icons and file icons). But there's are also entirely new stuff, such as Torrent Bans, and a Donations block that can be automatically updated with data from PayPal's IPN. This comes in addition to a whole host of bugfixes. Please refer to the changelog for further details.... read more

Posted by Joe Roberts 2007-04-23

phpMyBitTorrent 1.2 coming soon

Version 1.2 of phpMyBitTorrent is coming soon. In addition to a host of bugfixes, it will include PHP 5 support, a number of interface improvements, new English language files, updated documentation, new admin features such as mass-mail and a donate-o-meter that synchronizes with donation data from your paypal account...

Posted by lodp 2007-03-31

phpMyBitTorrent 1.0 Released

phpMyBitTorrent is a powerful PHP BitTorrent Tracker (server) that runs on any HTTP server on any platform.
It supports all the common BitTorrent extensions, is completely customizable in look and settings, and can generate alternate download links (Magnet, eDonkey) from Torrents that have been created with alternate hashes, ie. with Azureus.

Its perfect compatibility with Azureus and μTorrent allows the usage of the newest protocol extensions introduced by these two clients, for example HTTP Authentication, Compact Announce and Selective Scrape.
phpMyBitTorrent also supports the new XML Bencoder core, that converts Torrent files into XML documents for easier processing.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-09-14

phpMyBitTorrent 1.0 coming soon

Finally, we made it! phpMyBitTorrent is about to reach the 1.0 relase.
Stay tuned on to catch the new version as soon as it is released.

The new version is expected to be released in the first days of September.

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-08-27

New way to get support

To get support and discuss about phpMyBitTorrent, just go to

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-06-22

New milestones

Dear phpMyBitTorrent users,
I've been really busy recently, and I'll be busier until July.

I want to inform you about the most recent improvements of phpMyBitTorrent.
After Sourceforge changed the CVS server for projects (so don't download from anymore but use, all the work I did till now, except a few lazy files, is online inside CVS.

I didn't know that last Setup steps were not loaded in CVS: now they are, but I want to advise you that there are still some problems with OverLib that will be faced later.
As you should know, PHP's DOM XML is now a REQUIREMENT. Most servers can dynamically load DOM XML (till you keep Safe Mode disables), but it won't always work. I have prepared a guide and I have to translate it into English: it explains how to recompile DOM XML in the attempt to match PHP version (Windows doesn't seem to have such problems). Troubleshooting and help by PHP developers will make support easier for those who won't be able to install DOM XML.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-05-25

Important FAQs on recent bugs

Hi everyone,
I'm writing this article to make a summary of the most asked questions about both the ver. 0.7.10 and the lastest CVS version.

Q: I can't upload Torrents. Function bdec() does not exist!
A: If you are using 0.7.10, make sure that there is a line that includes the file "include/benc.php". The version has been tested, but it worked. Anyway...
If you are using lastest CVS, your takeupload.php is someway not up-to date and you need some more files.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-05-12

phpMyBitTorrent 0.7.10 Released!

phpMyBitTorrent is going to be the best PHP Open Source BitTorrent Tracker available.
Today we released version 0.7.10. As for 0.7.3, it's not a final version. Be careful when upgrading!

phpMyBitTorrent's main features:
- BitTorrent Tracker and External Torrents upload with realtime statistics
- Support for the major BitTorrent protocol's extensions: HTTP-Basic Authentication, Passkey Authentication, Compact Announce, Multiscrape, Selective Scrape
- Generate Alternate Links (Magnet, eD2K) for Torrents that support it
- Authentication Cookie encryption
- HTML Description for Torrents
- Smart popups for detailed information on features
- Torrent Privacy system to let uploaders decide who can download what
- Powerful Administration Panel
- Easy theming
- Quick Chat (shoutbox)... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-03-29

New unstable version coming

A new version of the phpMyBitTorrent Project is going to see the light!

The stable version will not be ready until the setup script is completed and after the implementation of the new Bencoder core that is under development.

Meanwhile, I'll let you taste the most recent changes to the tracker. These changes do not include much, except a new Admin feature to manage external trackers, some bug fixes and small visual enhancements. Sorry but no new theme is planned for now...

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-03-15

Development Status

Hi everyone,

let's review the situation on the development of phpMyBitTorrent.

I have resumed working after exams, and I'm planning exciting new features for the new version (release date has not been decided yet). I hope to release version 0.8 soon, instead of releasing a CVS dump again, which was even unstable.
The tracker is now working fine. All of the bugs in 0.7.3 have been fixed, particularly in announce.php.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-02-12

phpMyBitTorrent 0.7.3-Unstable Released!

phpMyBitTorrent is a BitTorrent tracker with enhanced features that no tracker has, like Alternate Link support for eDonkey2000, Magnet and eXeem; and much more!

phpMyBitTorrent has started to be released more frequently to bring you the best of BitTorrent.

This new version is "just" a CVS Checkout made today. It has some interesting new features, like an implementation of the Award Winning FCKeditor, Project of the Month December 2005 on It will allow you to write Torrent Description in full XHTML and change that default Welcome Message with everything you want, even a Flash Movie!... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-01-19

Looking Forward to 0.8RC1

Here we are again.
I hope you all had a good time these days, with gifts & Pandoros, with fireworks, sweets and chocolat.

For the phpMyBitTorrent Team, this period was full of work on the new version, since we decided to give the best of us to be the best BitTorrent Tracker available.

Starting from this new year (btw Copyright Notice has been updated in CVS), I'll start releasing unstable CVS version on SourceForge's File Release System.
I have noticed most of the people upgrade their version to CVS because they like the new features that CVS Version has. Maybe you all noticed that phpMyBitTorrent released only 3 versions in one year. Maybe starting releasing more frequently can be a good sign of our unstoppable activity.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2006-01-10

Important notice for MySQL &lt; 4.1 users

Due to high demand, I have just released an Installation Script which is made for MySQL < 4.1. The install.sql script provided with version 0.6 is made for MySQL >= 4.1, ad gives Syntax Error on older version. Unfortunately many people cannot upgrade their MySQL 3.x or 4.0 databases, so I decided to upload that script for compatibility reasons.

Thank you.

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-12-27

Development Status

Dear phpMyBitTorrent users,
I wish you all had a very good time these days: did you eat too much Panettone? I'm a bit late, so I can only wish you a Happy New Year.
Jokes apart, it's time for the Development Status, on which many people could be interested.

You should all know that I'm a Computer Engineering student, and this period is exam time for me. I won't be able to code much, but I have many good news for you all.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-12-27

phpMyBitTorrent Strikes Back with FCKeditor

phpMyBitTorrent is about to support direct HTML input for Torrent Description, Welcome Message and more, thanks to the awesome Open Source HTML Web Editor "FCKeditor".

I've been working all day on adapting the source code of FCKeditor to phpMyBitTorrent and finally implemented it in the Administration panel.

HTML features with phpMyBitTorrent that we are planning:

- Full-HTML Custom Welcome Message
- Full-HTML (with tag restrictions) on Torrent Description
- Templates to easily write Torrent Description... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-12-21

Porting phpMyBitTorrent to PHP-Nuke

Due to popular demand, the phpMyBitTorrent Project has officially started porting this Bit Torrent Portal to PHP-Nuke. It will be installed on PHP-Nuke enabled sites as a Module. The easiest way to run a Bit Torrent tracker on your PHP-Nuke community.

There is no scheduled release date. We will work in CVS again, so you'll be able to see the progress.

Meanwhile, I want to take the time to ask you all what do you think of phpMyBitTorrent after releasing version 0.6. We reached a good development level, but we need to go on. In Public Discussion Forum, you can spend a few minutes giving your opinion on this tracker. Spreading the word over Bit Torrent forums will be also appreciated.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-11-24

phpMyBitTorrent 0.6 Released

phpMyBitTorrent is a Bit Torrent tracker written in PHP and otpimized for small communities with advanced features that no tracker has. Beyond working as a common tracker, it allows you to upload and monitor Torrents from other trackers, download Torrents from the eXeem network (if an Alternate Link is provided), show detailed file info, including Magnet and eD2K links for clients like Shareaza, DC++ and eMule.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-11-21

Next release is coming

We finally reached a good level in development.

Previous release was made on May. I think it's time for a new release.

There are many new things with this version. First of all, it won't be a Beta any more. All the bugs have been fixed and testing is being accurate. But still the program is missing in some features. At this time, you can't edit the Torrents you uploaded and pages don't 100% validate as HTML Transitional on W3C validator.
But now you have Admin Area to change phpMyBitTorrent settings and do many fun things. This is just one of the many new features that will be in version 0.6.... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-11-04

About next release

Hi all,
I'm bringing good news to everyone.
phpMyBitTorrent next release is coming.
We don't have a release date yet, but some things are sure:

-It will be 0.6 Beta (yes, still a Beta version because it is incomplete)
-Admin Area will be part of the program
-Installation script is not planned for that release yet
-A new dark theme will be presented
-Compact Announce and some new extensions of Bit Torrent protocol will be supported by Announce
-User control panel (already working on CVS) will be included... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-10-13

Server change and future plans

Hi there.
Long time I don't post here good news?

Today is a special day: development has officially resumed.
Unfortunately, my development server, running SUSE LINUX 9.3, which has been broken for over 2 months (I finally found an old motherboard to replace the broken one) has been troubling all day long. Announce response from tracker were being refused by every client. Even downloaded Torrents were!... read more

Posted by /usr/local/ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ 2005-10-07