Would be possible to make little changes in Metro theme ?
1) Please repair background color to white of legend in field (fieldset class="caution") .
2) Icons in main panel are little bit confusing.
First icon showed as 'HOME', it's okay. Second icon showed as 'LEAVE'? The title and action is local DOC, not okay. Third icon showed as 'HELP'? and the target is web DOC, maybe okay,but minimaly change EN title to WEB DOC. PS: for DOC is everywhere used icon 'INFO'. Fourth icon showed as 'INFO'? Target is refresh, please change icon. And maybe change the icon of 'COLLAPSE ALL', it's ugly and makes user think, what it means.
Thank you :) .
PR: https://github.com/phpmyadmin/themes/pull/4
Pull request merged, thanks.
Issues highlighted in here has been fixed except for the collapse all icon. Would you like to suggest a better icon?
I think it make sense to mark this as fixed since most of the requested features have been implemented. If anyone have a better design for the collapse all icon please send a pull request to https://github.com/phpmyadmin/themes