
#4569 (ok 4.3) Issues with Relation View dropdowns


There are several issues with the Relation View in PMA

Firstly, when you go there the table comes up as 100% wide which moves the dropdowns waaaay to the right and the "Column" names site in the middle. I tried removing width:100% from the CSS but that didn't appear to make a difference.

Secondly, when I go to click on an item from the dropdown, sometimes it doesn't select the one I clicked on. I noticed that sometimes as I move my mouse down the list the highlighted option often jumps back to the top. This seems to happen mostly when I type a letter to jump to that letter then try to click an option near there, it select one further up. This happens in Chrome (38) and not Firefox (33) (the other 2 issues here occur in both browsers)

Thirdly, when I click save it seems like nothing happens. I think the "Loading" banner does appear but only for a fraction of a second so it's easy to miss. Also, I'd expect to go back to the table structure view but it stays on the same page.

n Chrome on


  • DisgruntledGoat

    DisgruntledGoat - 2014-10-21

    Oops, that last bit was supposed to say I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.


    Last edit: DisgruntledGoat 2014-10-21
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2014-11-01

    There can be pros and cons for the possible behaviors after clicking on Save but I think that going back to the table structure would be expected, as you mention. Either way, the behavior wished for will be just one click away.

  • DisgruntledGoat

    DisgruntledGoat - 2014-11-03

    Either way it should be clearer whether the operation completed. In other places there is a yellow popup banner that comes up saying "1 row affected" or similar indication.

  • Madhura Jayaratne

    The jumping behavior of the dropdown seems to be common to all dropdowns and is how the browser implements it. When a letter is typed the corresponding dropdown item is highlighted and trying to move the mouse pointer to click something nearby would make the highlihgting follow the mouse pointer, which probably appears as jumping.

    I think the relation view has been improved in upcoming version 4.3. Can you try it at and comment.

  • Hugues Peccatte

    Hugues Peccatte - 2014-11-10

    For information, the display issue seems to be linked to these CSS classes:
    - themes/original/css/common.css.php:254
    - themes/pmahomme/css/common.css.php:534


    Last edit: Hugues Peccatte 2014-11-10
  • Hugues Peccatte

    Hugues Peccatte - 2014-11-10

    Can you please confirm that your first issue is about the first table (internal relations) of the page please?

  • DisgruntledGoat

    DisgruntledGoat - 2014-11-15

    OK I checked out the master branch from Github (4.4.0-dev) and the table displays at a sane size now. So #1 is fixed.

    #2 is still an issue, I'm not sure if it's related to the table row hover style as the dropdown starts flickering as the blue row background comes on or off. Maybe it's just a browser issue?

    #3 is also sorted, a success message comes up at the top when saving.


    Last edit: DisgruntledGoat 2014-11-20
  • Madhura Jayaratne

    • assigned_to: Madhura Jayaratne
  • Madhura Jayaratne

    When a letter is typed the dropdown item is highlighted and trying to move the mouse pointer to click something nearby would make the highlihgting follow the mouse pointer. Meanwhile if the mouse pointer leaves the dropdown the highlighted option jumps back to the originally selected one. This is common to all the Chrome dropdowns. This combined with row highlighting which also changes as mouse pointer moves probably causes this issue.

  • Madhura Jayaratne

    • summary: Issues with Relation View dropdowns --> (ok 4.3) Issues with Relation View dropdowns
    • status: open --> resolved
    • assigned_to: Madhura Jayaratne --> nobody
    • Priority: 5 --> 1
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2014-12-05
    • Status: resolved --> fixed