
Tree [7ed6d5] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 config 2010-04-23 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [7ed6d5] minor changes in mpd.class
 lib 2010-04-23 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [7ed6d5] minor changes in mpd.class
 ressources 2010-03-07 tswaehn tswaehn [bd769d] state before removing the *.tar´s
 themes 2010-03-20 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [69df99] isolated one global mpd.class.php; modifcations...
 web_clients 2010-04-23 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [7ed6d5] minor changes in mpd.class
 .project 2010-02-23 root root [506bdd] ported config to all clients; modfied interface...
 changelog.txt 2010-04-23 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [7ed6d5] minor changes in mpd.class
 clientswitcher.css 2010-03-20 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [218b09] modified client switcher; imported IPodMp for t...
 index.php 2010-04-23 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [7ed6d5] minor changes in mpd.class
 install.txt 2010-04-23 Sven Ginka Sven Ginka [7ed6d5] minor changes in mpd.class
 readme.txt 2010-03-07 tswaehn tswaehn [bd769d] state before removing the *.tar´s

Read Me

...::::::	phpMpReloded	....::::::

	R E A D M E 
This seems to be just another PHP Webclient for Music Player Daemon ( 
But it is the continuation of the existing projects phpMp, phpMp+, phpMp2, phpMp3 and thus as stable as them,
although new an shiny. Simple and easy to use.

There is a huge number of Webclients for mpd out there. The project is going to join them into
one Client collection. So each player is selectable throuh a nice selsector. 

Projects which are allread included in phpMpReloded:
  - phpMp
  - phpMp+
  - phpMp2
  - phpMp3

Do you want your Webclient include into phpMpReloded?
You have any suggestion/question:

  Contact us at

This file is part of the phpReloaded Project
  visit us at