
PHP Mad Libs / News: Recent posts

New PHPml Site Design

Out of pure boredom, I re-designed the PHPml Homepage. This is v2.0 of the site. If there are any problems, please let me know by e-mailing me at The homepage is located at Be sure to visit! I promise a new version will be out soon. It will be integrated with the Story Creator, and MySQL if everything goes good, and I don't see how it couldn't.

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-09-19

PHPml Story Creator Released!

I have released the source to the PHP Mad Libs Story Creator. This script allows users to make their own Mad Libs stories, which are then submitted to an SQL database. Currently, the script only echos the samples into a legible fashion, however users may save the HTML code they created until a date when the Story Creator supports SQL. To see the latest development status of the story creator, visit Any help is always welcome!

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-08-18

Story Creator Coming Along Nicely

The basic setup of the ( story creator is coming along great. The echoing fuctions work perfectly, but there are a few things left. Namely, getting the story information to submit to the SQL database in seperate pieces. That will be my biggest challenge. You should see the Story Creator feature become available sometime during the month

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-08-13

PHP Mad Libs Support Requested

If any experienced PHP programmers would like to help me out on my little adventure to cure boredom on the internet, it would be greatly appreciated.

The next step in this little script is to allow users to create their own stories within the site and submit them a database, from which other users may utilize them.

If you can offer any pointers, or take a developer position on this project, I would be greatly obliged. ... read more

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-31

PHPml 1.0 OUT!

I decided to work all night and get this thing out to you guys so I can have a little break. The latest version is basically a full re-write, and along with the new code, many more things have been added. A new interface, 3 new stories, sample header/footer files, and much more. Download it by clicking the 'Get PHPml!' button.

Visit for more information.

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-30

PHPml 0.5 Released!

I cleaned up the code, and released a new build. It should work great now. If you have all of the files in the same path, it will work with no problems. If you look at the source, you will see that I have included many tidbits to show you how I have it set up on I will be including a 'head.php' and 'foot.php' in the near future, to give you an idea of what you can do with it. That's it for now! See you at the next build...... read more

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-24

Official PHPml Site Up

If you wish to view the official site for PHPml, visit It contains the latest information on PHPml that isn't seen on the project summary page. The sample works as well, so you can try it out. After setting it up, however, I realized that it was very sloppy code, and many files were pointing to different folders, etc. I will have that fixed soon, and post a new build to reflect it, since I basically changed half the code to reflect generic folders.

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-24

Minor Source Update

The contents are the same, I merely included a basic README, and changed the archive from .ZIP to .TGZ. The ZIP files seemed to change the filenames to all caps, which was causing problems for Unix users.


Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-24

PHPml Test Site

If you want to see PHPml in action in its development stages, visit If you wish to view the current publicly released build, visit

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-24

First Source Released

I just put up the first release of PHPml (version 0.1.22). I'm almost done creating the README, and I will include that in the next release. There isn't much there right now, but it has much potential. View the release notes to see what this release has to offer. See you at the next build!

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-23

Welcome to PHPml

Welcome. I hope you enjoy my PHP Mad Libs script. I am currently looking for anyone who wishes to aid me in making PHPml reach its full potential. There are 2 people currently working on the project, but any help is welcome.

I need some help in these fields:

- PHP arrays
- Using the same variables on different pages

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, and I'll see you at the next build!

Posted by Mykel Nahorniak 2000-07-23