
phpManta / News: Recent posts

phpManta 1.0.3 is out

phpManta is a suite of PHP classes, scripts and examples intended to help PHP programmers writing stable PHP websites and applications.

Mdoc and Mtest classes are now available in PHP5 syntax too. Some corrections have been done in example and test scripts, the $force_php4 is now disabled so the scripts detect which PHP5 or PHP4 version is running on the server and load the appopriate classes.

Mdoc provides instant smart documenting, see Mdoc in action on itself for code maintenance in author view or as an API in public view ( ).

Posted by JM Faure 2006-02-04

phpManta 1.0.2 is out

phpManta is a suite of PHP classes, scripts and examples intended to help PHP programmers writing stable PHP websites and applications.

This is the very first release of the phpManta suite, it includes PHP4 versions of Mdoc class full functional and stable (version 1.4) and of Mtest class experimental (used only for the Mdoc tests).

Mdoc is a new auto-documentation tool to create manuals like PHP manual at web site, so in a style common to the PHP community and is very efficient to share your code as APIs. ... read more

Posted by JM Faure 2006-01-11