
phpMaint / News: Recent posts

phpMaint Currently Taken Down

As there are very few people visiting the site and the fact that phpMaint needs a little reworking to show it's full potential I have temporarily removed the ability to download the program.

Please contact me if you would still like to beta test the program.

Posted by phpMaint 2003-07-22

phpMaint Website Unveiled

The site is finally up! It contains more detailed information on the project as well as updated news postings. Head over and check it out.

Please send me any suggestions you may have regarding the site. There is a handy contact form to fill out that sends me an email.

The site url is

Posted by phpMaint 2003-06-27

phpMaint version .9 (beta) released

phpMaint provides XHTML compliant add, update, delete, and search forms for non-relational MySQL database tables. Release .9 marks the initial release of this already well formed project.

The scripts work with every MySQL data type, and the forms produced conform to those types. phpMaint forms are in tables so the forms look nice and maintain functionality at the same time. The formatted code phpMaint produces is XHTML Transitional compliant, and it is very easy to modify the main php files to include your own header and/or footer code.... read more

Posted by phpMaint 2003-05-23