Peter Brama - 2024-04-09

Additional follow up after many many hours of going through code on our end and PHPMAILER-PRO...

  • Setting DKIM variables as mentioned IS adding the DKIM-Signature to the outgoing message (using IMAP I should specify) and GMAIL/Google is accepting it and allowing it to go to a GMAIL email address.
  • The email body isn't formatting correctly for the recipient. Basically, for a one line TEXT message, there are multiple lines of actual email header information showing up in the body of the message for the recipient... and this is for GMAIL recipients and non-GMAIL recipients alike. If the DKIM-Signature is NOT in the message, the body formats correctly.

Originally thought that there was a "syntax" error somewhere in the email header/body/dkim creation. Done tons of trial and error and compares. Can't find anything "odd" from what I can see comparing it with know working emails WITH other DKIM-Signatures.

The attached JPG shows the actual email source code with the DKIM line added. Everything from the "blank line" below the DKIM shows up as the messages body... just as listed in this file. In reality, only the "This is a test message via hostgator to a GMAIL account" should be the body, nothing else.

Hope this helps....