
PHPmagicSQL / News: Recent posts

PHPmagicSQL: Moved to Alpha Phase

With the release of 0.5a, codename quick, a number of new features have been introduced which change fundamentally the way that this system works. We have introduced a number of concepts that make the system far more framework-like, and made things faster and better in many ways. While there are a number of features missing and there is a fair amount of optimization to be done, this release gives a much better idea of the direction and goals for the project. I hope everyone enjoys what they see.

Posted by Chris 2008-04-02

PHPmagicSQL: Development Revived

There has been more interest in the development of the project and I have begun work on a complete overhaul. This has resulted in the development branch in the SVN repo, which changes the way that many things work behind the scenes, and changes some syntax(I think for the better).
I am looking for feature requests, which I am very likely to honor, since the community is small and the people that I speak to in person about this have all had the same requests regarding what they feel the project should eventually be.
I have also begun work on a new system that will demonstrate the lightweight power of the system in order to generate interest.
Please submit feature requests either through SF or via my personal email.

Posted by Chris 2008-03-24

phpmagisql: A Better understanding.

While I am continuing to puzzle out the prettiest way to build in many-to-many relations, I am adding some important functionality. There was a complete breakdown in our older version if the primary key was designed to be user-defined, and if a field was auto_incrementing, it didn't care, it just wanted a value for every NOT NULL field. So we've solved those problems, and are slowly working towards a framework that truly understands your databases. Soon enough, we will be implementing some more exciting features, and a roadmap has been written up. Right now, the biggest focus is on getting the features we have to work for everyone, so we'll keep working on that.

Posted by Chris 2008-02-09

PHPmagicSQL: Serious Flaws in 0.0

So I guess that's why I refused to give a real version for the first release, but there are some serious flaws in the release codenamed Fresh. I guess it lived up to the name(kind of). The code in the SVN repository has been corrected.
The error regarded my attempt at a certain point to negate the use of classes that were not specific to the database, and would cause many errors if has_many was used. As I stated earlier, this has been corrected in SVN.
[Many to Many Relations]
Current work is on an elegant and intelligent Many to Many relation engine. As always, the best code is in SVN.

Posted by Chris 2008-01-28

The First Release of PHPmagicSQL is Now Available

The first release of PHPmagicSQL has been made available, codenamed Fresh. While the project is far from completion, a decent featureset has been implemented, allowing all CRUD operations to be completed easily and with minimal configuration.
Some new features have been officially scheduled on the roadmap, and should be available soon.
The purpose of the recent release is to gather interest in the community and encourage feature requests and potentially recruit developers who are interested in implementing new features.
The source is available via the Project homepage.

Posted by Chris 2008-01-27