
phpLogFacility (a working log4php) / News: Recent posts

0.10 Released: Bugfixes & log4j-Style Logging

This release will makes your life easier: like in log4j, you can directly log to the appropriate log level, simply by $log->debug ( "message" ) and so on.
All other changes are focussed to make phpLogFacility more robust (eg. prevent spamming to default log mail recipient, safely write all messages in message queue to disk at file close).

Posted by zersenser 2004-11-20

0.9 Released: EMail Alerts And Many Improvements

This new release of phpLogFacility was focused on cleaning up the code and improve the whole object structure for future enhancements and better, fault tolerant handling. Also you're now able to boost the write performance.
The really new remarkable feature is introduced: EMail alerts! If activated, all events with a certain error level will be send to a target email address. So you're instantly informed if your script eg. messed up the database. ;-)
If you already using a previous version of phpLogFacility, please update your code. All properties are now configured with interface methods, so don't manipulate object variables directly.

Posted by zersenser 2004-11-04

Version 0.8 released: file compression support

phpLogFacility solves the bug 1048463 (log level issue) and again returns the unique log error ID, which get lost in 0.7 due a internal method usage change.
Besides the bug fixes, phpLogFacility is now able to compress log files (gzip or bzip2) to save disk space. See readme.txt for further details!

Posted by zersenser 2004-10-19

Version 0.7 Released

The new phpLogFacility 0.7 should be reliable enough for regular use. I expect no major bugs, indeed I use this version without problems already in my projects.
But I miss some "nice to have" features until 1.0, so this is still 0.7 and not 1.0. :-)
If you need some features or have other proposals, just drop me a line!

Posted by zersenser 2004-10-05