
PHPLM at the Metro Olografix Camp (MOCA): 20-22/8/2004

On August 20-22 I will be with TELUG
(Teramo Linux Users Group) in a stand
at the Metro Olografix Camp (MOCA)
in Pescara - Italia:

I will present the PHPLM project,
the forthcoming 3.2.0 version, and
some perspectives for future versions.

I will take with me my home computer
and I will show PHPLM in action on a
Mandrake Linux 10.0 Official running
some Mozilla versions, Konqueror 2.2,
3.0, 3.1, 3.2 (i.e. the version that
comes with MDK 10.0), and 3.3.0-rc2,
Opera 6.0, 6.1, 7.1, 7.2.
All the above mentioned browsers
will be run on the same distribution.
The supported MSIE versions will run
on another computer ;-)

Interested people are invited
to participate :-)

Marco Pratesi

Posted by Marco Pratesi 2004-08-17

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