
PHP Job Seeker / News: Recent posts

PHPJobSeeker Project Growing!

Membership to the PHPJobSeeker project continues to grow but help is still needed. Are you skilled at OO PHP? Are you looking for work and want a tool that will help you manage your job search? Please feel free to join us at where you can learn more about this tool. It's still under development, but the primary author is using it as-is to help him with his own job search, so it's usable for him.

Posted by Kevin Benton 2009-06-21

PHPJobSeeker Project Participation

The PHPJobSeeker Project now has more volunteer developers working on the project. Code development and reviews are picking up quickly, but much needs to be done still. If you're looking for a project where the output can help thousands of people, feel free to contribute. Constructive code reviews, testers, and other developers are always welcome.

PHPJobSeeker is a tool to help people looking for work to manage their job search easily. It tracks opportunities allowing the seeker to manage status (like Found, Applied, Interviewing, etc.), next actions and due dates. It makes tracking the search process simple so it takes less time to manage those opportunities so seekers can focus more on finding new opportunities... read more

Posted by Kevin Benton 2009-06-21

Initial upload of PHP Job Seeker - Job search tracking tool

The very first version of PHP Job Seeker (pre-alpha) is now up on the site! It has a way to go, but if you are PHP-savvy and want to try it out, please feel free. Constructive criticism is welcome!

PHP Job Seeker is a tool for job seekers to track opportunities for employment that intends to help the user keep a close eye on active opportunities so those opportunities don't "slip through the cracks."... read more

Posted by Kevin Benton 2009-05-24