
#214 loading multiple nested subnets

version 0.8
Steve Clark

quick there a method to load multiple nested subnets instead of one at a time from the pulldown Select menu on the Add subnet panel.? i have 96 subnets to load into my main!



Support Requests: #214


  • Markus

    Markus - 2016-05-13

    I have imported a huge amount of subnets directly into the MySQL DB of phpIPam with an excel sheet and some VB code that creates SQL-statements. Maybe the code snippets helps you to use it for your creating your own import sheet:

    Public Function Transform2Long(IPadress As String) As Variant
        ' This function converts an IPv4-adress into a long int
        Dim s() As String
        s = Split(IPadress, ".", 4)
        Transform2Long = Val(s(0)) * 16777216 + Val(s(1)) * 65536 + Val(s(2)) * 256 + Val(s(3))
    End Function
    Public Function QuoteSQL(s As String) As String
        ' this function quotes the MySQL used characters
        s = Replace(s, "\", "\\")
        s = Replace(s, "'", "\'")
        QuoteSQL = Replace(s, Chr(34), "\" + Chr(34))
    End Function
    Public Sub createSQL()
        ' Creates SQL statements to add subnets into phpIPam Database
        Set src = ActiveSheet
        ofs = 12
        Dim sectionID, VLANid, masterSubnetID, allowRequests, showName, pingSubnet, isFolder, SystemID As Integer
        Dim dateiname, Permissions As String
        ' In this cells I have put global values:
        sectionID = src.Cells(1, 5)
        VLANid = src.Cells(2, 5)
        masterSubnetID = src.Cells(3, 5)
        allowRequests = src.Cells(4, 5)
        showName = src.Cells(5, 5)
        Permissions = src.Cells(6, 5)
        pingSubnet = src.Cells(7, 5)
        isFolder = src.Cells(8, 5)
        dateiname = src.Cells(7, 3)
        i = 0
        ' create file and open it for write access
        Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(dateiname, True)
        a.WriteLine ("LOCK TABLES `subnets` WRITE;")
        s = ""
        While src.Cells(ofs + i, 1) <> ""
            If s = "" Then s = "INSERT INTO `subnets` VALUES " Else s = s + ","
            subnet = Transform2Long(src.Cells(ofs + i, 1))
            Mask = src.Cells(ofs + i, 2)
            Description = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 3))
            Bemerkung = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 7))
            vrfid = 0
            If src.Cells(ofs + i, 5) = "" Then editDate = "NULL" Else editDate = "'" + Format(src.Cells(ofs + i, 5), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "'"
            Ansprechpartner = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 4))
            System = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 3))
            s = s + "(NULL,'" + Trim(Str(subnet)) + "','" + Trim(Str(Mask)) + "'," + Trim(Str(sectionID)) + ",'" + Description + "'," + Trim(Str(vrfid)) + "," + Trim(Str(masterSubnetID)) + "," + Trim(Str(allowRequests)) + "," + Trim(Str(VLANid)) + "," + Trim(Str(showName)) + ",'" + Permissions + "'," + Trim(Str(pingSubnet)) + ",'0'," + Trim(Str(isFolder)) + "," + editDate + ",'" + Ansprechpartner + "'," + Trim(Str(SystemID)) + ",'" + System + "','" + Bemerkung + "')"
            i = i + 1
        s = s + ";"
        a.WriteLine (s)
        a.WriteLine ("UNLOCK TABLES;")
    End Sub

    Without any guarantee. Be very carefull with writing directly to your database. You have to know, what you are doing. A backup is mandatory.

    • Steve Clark

      Steve Clark - 2016-05-14

      thanks for the reply Markus, your suggestion is a bit more than my skill
      set allows. _i was wondering if there might be a hot key or something
      fairly easy to allow for the generation of multiple nested subnets.


      On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 3:37 AM, Markus wrote:

      I have imported a huge amount of subnets directly into the MySQL DB of
      phpIPam with an excel sheet and some VB code that creates SQL-statements.
      Maybe the code snippets helps you to use it for your creating your own
      import sheet:

      Public Function Transform2Long(IPadress As String) As Variant
      ' This function converts an IPv4-adress into a long int Dim s() As String
      s = Split(IPadress, ".", 4)
      Transform2Long = Val(s(0)) * 16777216 + Val(s(1)) * 65536 + Val(s(2)) * 256 + Val(s(3))End Function
      Public Function QuoteSQL(s As String) As String ' this function quotes the MySQL used characters
      s = Replace(s, "\", "\") s = Replace(s, "'", "\'") QuoteSQL = Replace(s, Chr(34), "\" + Chr(34))End Function
      Public Sub createSQL() ' Creates SQL statements to add subnets into phpIPam Database
      Set src = ActiveSheet
      ofs = 12

      Dim sectionID, VLANid, masterSubnetID, allowRequests, showName, pingSubnet, isFolder, SystemID As Integer
      Dim dateiname, Permissions As String
      ' In this cells I have put global values:    sectionID = src.Cells(1, 5)    VLANid = src.Cells(2, 5)    masterSubnetID = src.Cells(3, 5)    allowRequests = src.Cells(4, 5)    showName = src.Cells(5, 5)    Permissions = src.Cells(6, 5)    pingSubnet = src.Cells(7, 5)    isFolder = src.Cells(8, 5)    dateiname = src.Cells(7, 3)
      i = 0
      ' create file and open it for write access
      Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(dateiname, True)
      a.WriteLine ("LOCK TABLES `subnets` WRITE;")
      s = ""
      While src.Cells(ofs + i, 1) <> ""
          If s = "" Then s = "INSERT INTO `subnets` VALUES " Else s = s + ","
          subnet = Transform2Long(src.Cells(ofs + i, 1))
          Mask = src.Cells(ofs + i, 2)
          Description = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 3))
          Bemerkung = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 7))
          vrfid = 0
          If src.Cells(ofs + i, 5) = "" Then editDate = "NULL" Else editDate = "'" + Format(src.Cells(ofs + i, 5), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "'"
          Ansprechpartner = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 4))
          System = QuoteSQL(src.Cells(ofs + i, 3))
          s = s + "(NULL,'" + Trim(Str(subnet)) + "','" + Trim(Str(Mask)) + "'," + Trim(Str(sectionID)) + ",'" + Description + "'," + Trim(Str(vrfid)) + "," + Trim(Str(masterSubnetID)) + "," + Trim(Str(allowRequests)) + "," + Trim(Str(VLANid)) + "," + Trim(Str(showName)) + ",'" + Permissions + "'," + Trim(Str(pingSubnet)) + ",'0'," + Trim(Str(isFolder)) + "," + editDate + ",'" + Ansprechpartner + "'," + Trim(Str(SystemID)) + ",'" + System + "','" + Bemerkung + "')"
          i = i + 1
      s = s + ";"
      a.WriteLine (s)
      a.WriteLine ("UNLOCK TABLES;")

      End Sub

      Without any guarantee. Be very carefull with writing directly to your
      database. You have to know, what you are doing. A backup is mandatory.

      Status: open
      Group: version 0.8
      Created: Wed May 11, 2016 09:59 PM UTC by Steve Clark
      Last Updated: Wed May 11, 2016 09:59 PM UTC
      Owner: Miha Petkovsek

      quick there a method to load multiple nested subnets
      instead of one at a time from the pulldown Select menu on the Add subnet
      panel.? i have 96 subnets to load into my main!


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      Support Requests: #214


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