
#163 Batch editing


I have been tasked with finding an IPAM solution for our company. While testing phpipam, I noticed that there is no way to batch edit IP addresses, or to add ip addresses in ranges. I have large address spaces divided up between reservations and DHCP, and it would be nice to be able to edit these in bulk. I have also had some mistakes importing from spreadsheets, and rather than go through and fix the entries one by one I am forced to delete the entire subnet and start from scratch. Even the ability to bulk delete IPs would be nice. thanks!


  • Miha Petkovsek

    Miha Petkovsek - 2013-10-02

    Hi, editing/adding/deleting can be done in ranges. Just add range instead of IP address - e.g.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-23

    Is it possible to batch edit IP's by moving them to another subnet/vlan? (ie - existing IP's in a /22 that should be moved into a more specific /24 subnet underneath the /22).

  • Martin Ziegler

    Martin Ziegler - 2015-06-08

    Good Morning,

    we'd love to use PHPIPAM because it perfectly matches our requirments. Unfortunately with one exception. We need to be able to batch edit selected IP addresses out of an existing subnet. Are there any plans to implement this in the near future?

    Thanks, Martin


    Last edit: Martin Ziegler 2015-06-08
  • Miha Petkovsek

    Miha Petkovsek - 2015-06-08

    Range is not ok ?

  • Martin Ziegler

    Martin Ziegler - 2015-06-08

    That would be fine for now. But how? Let's say i have a subnet and i would like to batch edit .7 - .18.

  • Miha Petkovsek

    Miha Petkovsek - 2015-06-08

    read my first reply - in IP address field enter "" and set required parameters.

  • Martin Ziegler

    Martin Ziegler - 2015-06-09 i got it ;) Thanks.

  • leonhearts

    leonhearts - 2017-02-21

    Only one problem... I would like to retain my hostnames and only edit the field that I had input. For example, i have - that had been discovered with their own hostnames, and I would like to assign them all to device A without changing other filed. Is there a way to accomplish this ? When I edited only the "device" filed, leaving everything else empty, I ended up wiping the other information.

  • Ely

    Ely - 2022-11-23


    Is there away to change only one parameter in many subnets?
    For example, I want to move all of them out of a folder.

    I couldn't find a way to use a range, sorry.

    I'm using phpipam version 1.5

    I think it would be much easer to add a checkbox in front of all subnets and a select all option :D



    Last edit: Ely 2022-11-23


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