
phpInv / News: Recent posts

0.8.0 is available for download

0.8.0 is out and is available for download.

Posted by Sergiy Zhuk 2008-06-02

0.8.0 is coming soon

It's under CVS waiting to be released now.


- Added 'int' column type and support for sorting int columns
- Fix: sort type/order now works on all result pages
- Added total number of results at the bottom of the page (works well
for search)
- complete rewrite of the search module
* multi-page search results (was a single page and up to 30 results in
* huge performance improvement (was making rows*columns SQL requests and
rows*columns temp. sql tables, now makes one request and one temp table)
* sort and sort order are now supported for search results
* edit/copy/delete/new functions are now supported for search results
* export search results (sorted by any column) as a csv file

Posted by Sergiy Zhuk 2008-06-02

back again

Unfortunately I haven't improved phphInv for a lot of months. I've
written the code quick and (very) dirty so it's not easy to read and
understand. Because of this and I dont want to mess up everything
I've started from scratch last week.

Please wait for the new version cause I don't improve/fix the old one.

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2004-03-29

0.7.0: Major feature enhancements

- Fix: working with register_globals=Off
- Added: Copy category feature
- Added: Export data from category as text file
- Fix: Broken categories after editing columns
- Added: Number of entries that will be displayed per page
- Added: Copy within category available

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2003-02-03

v0.6d: Minor bugfix

- Fix: Speed measurement for creating the page
- Fix: Edit entry after adding new columns [568172]
- Added: Displayorder for columns

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2002-10-11

v0.6c: Major bugfix

Fix: Missing User to Group assignment

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2002-05-12

v0.6b: Minor bugfix

Any browser which useragent was greater than 50 wasn't able to login so this is fixed now.

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2002-04-12

v0.6a: Minor bugfixes

Fixed: Select last 500 values for images instead of all, Guest permissions working, PHPH 4.0.6 compatibility

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2002-03-25

v0.6: Major feature enhancements

Check out changelog for details.

Posted by Stefan Cyris 2002-03-23