
phpimageview / News: Recent posts

I know its been a long time....

But if you happen to stop by the site, this project is still active and I am working on a new version, work and life has not afforded me the time to finish, but i am getting there, hopefully will have something up in the next month.

Thanks for stopping by.


Posted by Jeff Dyke 2005-10-14

theimages - 1.4.2 Released

Release 1.4.2 has been posted. Incorporated in it are feature requests and Bug fixes, as well as some internal code reorganiztion.
** Upgraders, please read ChangeLog **

Among the highlights:
Archiving - the ability to upload large images to an archive folder and have them resized and placed in your website by running a single script. These images also become available for viewing on Single Image pages, if they exist. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-12-07

Bug Fixes for 1.4.1 Posted

Released install and upgrade packages for 1.4.1 in a file named 1.4.11 to address bug in upload and share functionality. No new features were added.

Reported in public forum:


Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-10-30

theimages 1.4.1 Released

In version 1.4.1 there are two new main features available:
1. Themes
This replaces the ivmedia folder and puts all default images in the themes/default/images folder. Transfer all non-default imagery used in headers to this folder.

themes/default/header.php replaces includes/usr.pagehead.html, replace any changes to this new file.

StyleSheets are now in the themes/default/
***... read more

Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-10-12

1.4.03 Bug Fix Release

This is primarily a bug fix release and some small asthetic and other updates made.

The upgrade release is for the 1.4 version, if upgrading from 1.3(or less), I suggest you run the 1.4 upgrade which includes a script that will clean up all the old, now unused files, and install 1.4. Then extract the 1.4.03 upgrade into the same directory.
This process is mainly for cleanliness, extrating the 1.4.03 upgrade on a 1.3, or less release, will work, but all the old files will remain.

Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-07-31

theimages Goes OO in 1.4

theimages (phpImageView) 1.4, released July 23, 2004, brings an OO model to the main section. In hopes to support many updates easier in the coming months, including themes and security. During this conversion two main enhancements: Web-based configuration, and third level directory cabability (myfolder/mysubfldr/mysecondsubfldr) where added. Many small enhancements,updates and bug fixes where also made, making this a large but stable release. With the next release should come solid documentaiton of the class structure allowing others to extend it use.... read more

Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-07-23

theimages 1.3 - A First Step

Release 1.3, lays the groundwork to move the code to an OO model, in hopes to support many more features, i.e. Themes, Sales, Exports and remove current limitations/hurdles.

Added User Comments. Comments can be submitted and viewied from the single_image.php pages. (enable/disable in

Cleaned up the NextPrevious function applying it to any section of the site (viewing, editing, commenting). ... read more

Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-07-05

theimages 1.22 Released - Now DB Independent

With version 1.22, the ADOdb class has been added to remove the dependency of MySQL for the DB backend.

Also the ablity to show a single random image on the home page, or one(1/10th of original size) for each main folder.

Other efforts were concentrated around stability and efficiency.

theimages is a simple Web Photo Album, with a full Administration Console, Metrics, Auto Thumbnails/Watermarking, Slideshows and more. ... read more

Posted by Jeff Dyke 2004-04-25