From: <par...@us...> - 2010-04-16 19:30:47
Update of /cvsroot/phpicalendar/phpicalendar/functions In directory Modified Files: draw_functions.php Log Message: Revert changes to draw_functions.php Index: draw_functions.php =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/phpicalendar/phpicalendar/functions/draw_functions.php,v retrieving revision 1.11 retrieving revision 1.12 diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12 *** draw_functions.php 15 Apr 2010 20:36:14 -0000 1.11 --- draw_functions.php 16 Apr 2010 19:30:39 -0000 1.12 *************** *** 32,41 **** } } ! $sta = ($sta_h * 60 + $sta_min); ! $end = ($end_h * 60 + $end_min); ! if ($sta < $end) ! $draw_len = $end - $sta; ! else ! $draw_len = $sta - $end; return array ("draw_start" => ($sta_h . $sta_min), "draw_end" => ($end_h . $end_min), "draw_length" => $draw_len); --- 32,36 ---- } } ! $draw_len = ($end_h * 60 + $end_min) - ($sta_h * 60 + $sta_min); return array ("draw_start" => ($sta_h . $sta_min), "draw_end" => ($end_h . $end_min), "draw_length" => $draw_len); |