
phpGreetz / News: Recent posts

phpGreetz Demo

Fully functional version of phpGreetz pre-release is now online and operational at

Posted by Anonymous 2001-03-22

Development Site Up

The development site is up and running at

The code is working again, however there are a few bugs and the database connectivity hasn't been abstracted yet.

I hope to add some graphics in there as soon as I move it over to my other server (which is much faster and has much more disk space).

Go ahead and submit any bugs you find in here and somebody will fix it (hopefully!)... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2001-03-11

phpGreetz Project Starting Back Up!

After nearly a year of inactivity, the phpGreetz project is back in full swing! We need help - lots of help! If you're interested, please email

Posted by Anonymous 2001-03-07


Well, this has turned out to be much more popular than I had thought.

There are a few issues with the current .tar.gz out on the server.

  1. User's can't upload graphics. I'm going to have to fix this.
  2. You must have the admin stuff to really administer the site.
  3. The database login/password needs to be changed in the code.

Please bear with me as I work on resolving these issues. I appreciate all the wonderful comments and suggestions that you have sent me!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2000-06-08

Initial Release

This is bascially a backup of the code that is sitting out on It is 90% functional, but needs lots of changes and will need the admin stuff, which I will release soon.

Posted by Anonymous 2000-05-27