
phpGMapTrips / News: Recent posts

phpGMapTrips-1.0.3 bug fix release

- 2007/03/07 (1.0.3)
* fixed php5 function 'stripos' redeclaration
* added a google gadget ggadget.xml
* added compactor.php to compact *.big.* files : just launch : php compactor.php
* added parameters in config file : initial type of map
* fix "where am i ?" feature

Posted by lescoste 2007-03-17

new release : Bug fix

I uploaded a new release that fixes bugs :
- trip name can have spaces
- login fixed for php5 (or with $HTTP_* disabled)

Posted by lescoste 2007-03-07

Great new release : new presentation

* New map display : full screen map + a small global map at the left bottom
* allows to display the yahoo map for the current location
* displays the destination details inside the point in map info-window
* trips and trip list menus at the top left
* "world" special trip displays only one place per trip, so it is much faster
* if multiple destinations are located at the same lat/lng then they are all displayed in the same point info-window.

Posted by lescoste 2007-03-04

Bug fix release

New small release to fix some bugs:
* world link was broken
* trip edit problem when removing a place

Posted by lescoste 2006-10-17

new release : allow trip edition and scalable

2006/09/21 (0.9.1)
* added ordering of trip places (uses scriptaculous)
* added group of trips
* added show/hide trip lines
* uses a local class for ajax calls instead of google's
* loads only what is needed from xml file : better scalability
* added a default trip per map page (trips or visitors)

Posted by lescoste 2006-09-21

Added Web site visitors tracking

Hi, i released a new version #0.7 today. It contains some bug fixes and a new feature : web site visitors tracking.
More info on the project Wiki (see homepage).

Posted by lescoste 2006-08-02

New release

* added google v2.x version : to be always at the most recent version
* added link to google map for this destination
* added link to photoalbum
* added link to this page
* added button to show the zoom map in full screen
* added small map to show where we are in zoom map
* added form to geocoder
* added tooltips for destinations markers

Posted by lescoste 2006-07-03

New release with google map api V2

Here are all the new stuff in this release
* - internationalization : fr en
* - link to this page
* - new map size
* - google map api v2
* - added search

Posted by lescoste 2006-04-30

Added IE support

Small changes to add IE support.

Posted by lescoste 2006-03-27

KML export delivered

This is the third release of phpGMapTrips !
This time i added the export trip to google earth kml format.
And also a light administration page.

Posted by lescoste 2006-03-07

Second release

2006/02/27 second version 0.2
* added columns title
* display trips as tag cloud
* better handle errors for place edition
* uses specific name for php session to avoid interferences with other applications
* removed photo size attribute (uses a hard coded value of 100px)
* pre fill the current trip when added a place

Posted by lescoste 2006-02-27

First release done !

Hooray first release is out.
You can also access files in cvs, if you want too.
Hope you will find it interesting.

Posted by lescoste 2006-02-22

First release soon

The application first release will happend soon : this week. Meanwhile you can have a look at the demo site here .

Posted by lescoste 2006-02-20