
4.1.3 to most current (including patches) upgrade path

  • Clifford W Gausmann III

    I have enjoyed 4.1.3 and have it full of media, images, and generations of family. I have updates the family tree regularly, but have not touched the functional system (administration) in so many years and it is still running on business vista. The hardware it is running on is going to fail soon and I need a path away from vista business and a physical server. I have looked over the forum and wiki and perhaps I have not looked in the right places; however, I would love to preserve all the hard work accomplished in 4.1.3 and upgrade, if possible. Please let me if you can help.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2022-09-23

    "Business Vista" and "4.1.3" ... My goodness, that's OLD!!

    The best way to handle this is to upgrade your PhpGedView installation on the "Vista" machine first, and then when the time comes, you just copy the whole PhpGedView installation to the new server.

    The PhpGedView installation can be copied directly using FTP and the database tables will need to be exported using some tool such as PhpMyAdmin and then imported into a previously set up database on the new server. The database credentials that are stored in the config.php file (a simple ASCII text file) within the new server's PhpGedView directory will need to be edited manually if you don't want to go through the configuration process.

    The latest-and-greatest PhpGedView that you find in the SVN repository works with all versions of PHP from 5.3 to 8.1 . There's no need to upgrade PHP just because you want to run the latest-and-greatest PhpGedView.

    The upgrade procedure on your Vista machine is fairly straightforward:

    1. MAKE A DATABASE BACKUP AND ALSO A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR PHPGEDVIEW DIRECTORY. I use PhpMyAdmin to handle the database backup, but any similar tool will work.
    2. Run PhpGedView on your Vista server and Export the database. This will create a GEDCOM file containing all of your current genealogical data. This exported GEDCOM will be stored in your index directory. You will find the Export function on your Manage GEDCOMs page that you can access from the Admin page.
    3. Download an SVN snapshot of PhpGedView from here: []
    4. Unzip that SVN snapshot into a temporary directory on your local PC
    5. Delete the media and index subdirectories from that temporary directory (so that these directories on the Vista server aren't accidentally overwritten) when you copy the whole works to your Vista server
    6. In that temporary directory's modules sub-directory, delete the modules you don't intend to use. I find that these modules are really the only useful ones: GEDFact_assistant , JWplayer , lightbox , slideshow . You might find googlemap useful, but I doubt it.
    7. On the Vista server, delete everything in your PhpGedView directory except file config.php and directories media and index. BE CAREFUL THAT YOU DON'T DELETE THIS FILE AND THESE DIRECTORIES.
    8. Copy the PhpGedView version 4.3.1 (SVN) files that remain in the temporary directory on your local PC to the Vista server's PhpGedView directory. FTP works well here, but be sure to use FTP in Binary mode.
    9. Launch the new PhpGedView. When you launch PhpGedView for the first time after upating, the program will apply a number of database updates. It will use the database credentials in the config.php file that you left behind when you blew away everything except the config.php file and the media and index directories.
    10. Immediately access the Manage GEDCOMs page and Import the GEDCOM file that was created in the Export step above. Let PhpGedView replace the existing database tables. This will re-populate the various database tables correctly and also build the required indexes.

    That's it. It's pretty straight-forward, but then I've done this a number of times.

    If you're not up to doing this stuff yourself, and you'd rather that I made your mistakes for you, pleasse send me an e-mail at gkroll (at) keldine (dot) ca , and we can discuss this further.

  • Clifford W Gausmann III


    Thank you for this very complete and detailed reply; I have been kept from my hobbies this past month and am sorry for not replying sooner. I will attempt these steps (probably this coming weekend) and will post the results. Thank you again for the assistance.



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