
Export gedcom file from ftp

  • Pabben Botn

    Pabben Botn - 2023-02-22

    I've had a phpgedview-page standing idle for 10-12 years on a commercial web server.
    The php have been updated on the web server so i get a lot of "fatal error" and i am not able to access any page for downloading/exporting the gedcom file.

    Is it possible to extract the gedcom file from the files using ftp or the database?
    Database it Percona 5.7

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2023-02-22

    Please READ the discussions on upgrading your PhpGedView installation to the most recent version. You'll find lots of advice on how to do this. The discussion just a couple of topics below this one should work even if it doesn't exactly match your circumstances.

    The Help forum also has MANY discussions on the upgrade routine.

    If you're in doubt about what needs to be done, just ask.


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