
Blank Page

  • Peter Bielawski

    Peter Bielawski - 2024-01-13

    I have installed everything correctly locally on my Synology NAS. However, when I try to add a GED file to the database, a blank page appears. How can I add my existing GED file to the PhpGedView database?

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2024-01-13

    Did you install the latest-and-greatest PhpGedView that you downloaded from the SVN repository? Click on "SVN" in the ribbon at the top of this page, and then click on "download snapshot".

    You need to describe to us excatly what steps you followed to install PhpGedView and "add a GED".

    Generally, you have to have the GED file present on your local computer, and then you upload and import the GED file into an existing database. The "upload and import" procedure is part of the GEDCOM configuration that you have to complete before the genealogical database is usable.

    If the GED file size exceeds the limits imposed by your server's PHP configuration (often this is just 2 Mb), you can upload a ZIP file and have the program extract the GED file during importing. If even the ZIP file is too big, things become more complicated .

    Without knowing what steps you took, we can't help you.

  • Peter Bielawski

    Peter Bielawski - 2024-01-23

    Thank you, it worked. I was able to create the database on the Synology server. Now I would like to install the GEDCOM file on a third-party server ( I have registered there FTP user also exists, PHP I could install unfortunately only the version 7.2 or higher, directory PhpGedView angegt and software there also copied. When calling the page with I get the following message: "Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in /users/xxx/www/PhpGedView/includes/functions/functions.php on line 726" or "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /users/xxx/www/PhpGedView/includes/functions/functions_db.php on line 3027". What is the reason for this?

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2024-01-23

    The version of PhpGedView that you should have downloaded from the SVN repository is compatible with all versions of PHP from 5.6 right through to 8.1 . It should work with versions higher than 8.1, but I have not tested it, and users with those versions haven't reported any problems.

    The error you are reporting with functions.php at line 726 indicates that you are NOT using the most recent version from the SVN. When installing the SVN version, DO NOT pick-and-choose the various scripts you are installing. You MUST ALWAYS install the entire package.

    The error you are reporting about functions_db.php indicates that your upload of the SVN version of PhpGedView was incomplete. Perhaps your account on the server ran out of disk space, or your configuration of PhpGedView did not allow enough memory? PhpGedView requires at least 64 Mb. It MAY work with only 32 Mb, but results aren't always satisfactory.

  • Peter Bielawski

    Peter Bielawski - 2024-01-24

    Many thanks for your help. I have now successfully installed everything on the "foreign" server. I have also uploaded the GEDCOM file there and added my database.
    Now, however, I have two problems: one known as "You are not welcome here". I have already tried the solution you suggested (file session_spider.php into the /includes directory) with the two versions ("7193 2018-01-18" and " 7171 2017-11-05"). Unfortunately without success. I know I can wait an hour!
    Another problem: how can I create a user, with which rights so that he can also see information about living persons.
    Where do I enter the name (my name) of the administrator for the information for the user who is not logged in "for more information contact Peter Bielawski"?
    Please find attached the zipped log file.

    • David Ledger

      David Ledger - 2024-01-24

      On 1/24/24 10:00, Peter Bielawski wrote:

      Many thanks for your help. I have now successfully installed everything
      on the "foreign" server. I have also uploaded the GEDCOM file there and
      added my database.
      Now, however, I have two problems: one known as "You are not welcome
      here". I have already tried the solution you suggested (file
      session_spider.php into the /includes directory) with the two versions
      ("7193 2018-01-18" and " 7171 2017-11-05"). Unfortunately without
      success. I know I can wait an hour!
      Another problem: how can I create a user, with which rights so that he
      can also see information about living persons.
      Where do I enter the name (my name) of the administrator for the
      information for the user who is not logged in "for more information
      contact Peter Bielawski"?

      If you have shell access to the server you can extract the values of
      DBUSER, DBNAME and the password from config.php and at a shell prompt
      (shown as '$'):

      $ mysql -u $DBUSER $DBNAME -p << FrEd
      SELECT * FROM pgv_ip_address;
      DELETE FROM pgv_ip_address WHERE category = "timedban";

      and provide the password when requested, then timedban will be cleared.
      I need this fairly often so I have scripted it. You soon learn to use
      '+' instead of '&' in those fields that get remembered for suggestions :-)


  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2024-01-24

    The "you are not welcome here" message was caused by a malformed Login request. This usually happens when the user who is attempting to log in is already logged in. The error can also happen when the prospective user's previous session expired and the user is attempting to resume working with the program after that session expired.

    When you are trying to log in, it's best to always close the browser completely before attempting a new login. That way, you are assured that the browser's session is fresh, and the cache is not polluted by stray texts from old logins.

    When you enter your full name instead of "administrator" when you configure the Admin's account, your name will show properly. This assumes, of course, that you have set the GEDCOM configuration "Contact" section to specify the Admin as the site and genealogy contact.

    If you're in Poland, please e-mail me directly so that I can put you in touch with a very knowledgable and helpful Polish user. My e-mail: gkroll (at) keldine (dot) ca .

    For privacy reasons, I do not wish to publish the Polish user's e-mail address.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2024-01-24

    Thank you, David.

    The problem here was that the stupid program tacked a question-mark to the tail end of an automatically generated reference to login.php. This doesn't happen often, so I just haven't bothered to fix this bug.


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