
#1602 Top nn Surnames Block - Wrong names and counters


I use Latin names as 1 NAME and Hebrew, married and aka names as 2 _HEB, 2 _MARNM and 2 _AKA.
The main name is written only into the individuals table.
All the other names are filled to the names table.

I found it odd that I saw for instance the Hebrew surname Wardi in the block list, but I did not see the Latin Wardi in it.

It seems that the Hebrew surnames are retrieved from the names table as many times as they exist in the table and in the GEDCOM file.

Aka names seem not to be retrieved.
Married names seem not to be retrieved.

This means that a main name of an individual is only counted once, but an additional Hebrew name is counted as many times as it is recorded for the individual. So Hebrew names get a higher count and are printed in the block list.

The search list shows also the individuals whose aka names match the search key.

The individual list shows individuals several times under the surname, if the GEDCOM file contains the surname more than once.


  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-11-17
    • milestone: --> v4.0.2
  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-12-09
    • assigned_to: nobody --> fisharebest
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-12-09

    I've re-written this block.

    It should count all names, except married names.

    It should could each name once, per individual. So, this example should only count for one entry in the Williams list:

    1 NAME Mary /Williams/
    2 _MARNM Mary /Williams/

  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2009-01-08
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Meliza Amity

    Meliza Amity - 2009-01-08

    looks now OK, thanks


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