
#2 Problem with version 0.99


Hi, I'm trying your new version of php file manager (0.99) , but doens't work to me. (Blank page)
With older versione (0.98) everything worked without any problem.
Any idea how I can fix this issue?


  • Antonello Ritella

    Problem seems to be with the function socket_get_lan_ip


    Last edit: Antonello Ritella 2016-08-18
  • devil®

    devil® - 2016-08-19

    The problem is socket_create which is a function not by default on PHP. The dev should not use it as many users do not have the extension required on their server. Plus, this version has a huge security risk, on the login, you should not use it on prod.

    • Fabrício Seger Kolling

      The security risk with the password protection was fixed on the new 1.0 version. Even so, phpFileManager was never meant for a production enviroment. It is a tool for administrators, it will allow you to do anything you allow PHP to do on your server. If you want to be secure, put it an URL only you know, and use and htaccess file to require basic HTTP autentication upon request.

  • Fabrício Seger Kolling

    The socket_create problem as oadevil said, is just a matter of enabling the said module.


    Last edit: Fabrício Seger Kolling 2018-05-15
  • Fabrício Seger Kolling

    • status: open --> closed

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