
#10 archiving doesn't work, at least tgz/tbz2

Next Release

I tried to make a tar.gz archive of a few files and directories (~ 1.3MB total uncompressed).
This resulted in a ~400KB archive, which I could gunzip correctly after transfer to my host. Unfortunately the tar archive was totally crappy and I couldn't get a single correct file from the archive.

Conversely, I uploaded a correct tar.gz archive to make a software update. I tried several times to decompress it with no result at all, and no error message. I also tried after renaming the archive file to .tgz extension with no more success either.

These archiving problems are already described in the forum by several people, but there was no bug filed yet, so I make one :)


  • Florin Jurca

    Florin Jurca - 2009-08-06

    The gzip algorithm is compatible because use php native functions, but this is not the case for the tar format. So if someone will fix the tar format to become compatible there can be replaced the gzip format with tgz format.
    I wish to mention that an gzip archive created by pfm is restored corectly by pfm but is not compatible with other compress/decompres softwares.

  • Fabrício Seger Kolling

    • status: open --> accepted
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)
  • Fabrício Seger Kolling

    The class phpFileManager uses for archives is old, but is the best one i found until today, that is native, and does not require any php modules. If you can show me another one that handels tar/zip/bzip/gzip, i will add it to the code azap!
    By Devin Doucette


    Last edit: Fabrício Seger Kolling 2018-05-15
  • Fabrício Seger Kolling

    • Group: v1.0 --> Next Release

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