
FB4 - Keep up the good work

  • Joey

    Joey - 2004-05-13

    Got FB4 installed, stumbled across this after following the fact the updated his site to use FB4PHP.   However....waited with baited breath for it to arrive for us mere mortals.  Thanks for the work and will let you know any issues that I come across.  Since I'm just getting started if anyone has any tidbits (i.e. sites specific to FB4 development) that they'd like to refer on that would be great.

    • Mike Ritchie

      Mike Ritchie - 2004-06-28

      Hi Joey, there are a few sample apps in the downloads section of this site here, for you to get started with.

      Additionally, there are two Fusebox 4 books that are out now, and while they deal with the ColdFusion version of Fusebox 4, the xml in fusebox.xml and circuit.xml are the largely the same for php as well.

    • Robert Foley Jr

      Robert Foley Jr - 2005-01-07

      I agree, your work is invaluable to the PHP fusebox community. I just wish I have more time to contribute.

      Thanks a lot.


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