
phpEselGui - a PHP mldonkey gui / News: Recent posts

phpEselGui 0.6.2 in the download section now

finally i decided to put the current CVS version (see last news) in the official download section for phpEselGui

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-09-18

phpEselGui 0.6.2 for mlDonkey 2.5.3 in the CVS

Version 0.6.2 is available via our CVS on this site. It is tested and comaptible with mlDonkey 2.5.3.

phpEselGui project is sleeping at the moment, if someone has enough time to take the leadership for this project mail on our mailing-list ;-)

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-09-18

phpEselGui 0.6.1 out now - compatible with mldonkey 2.04

After having had much trouble concerning the changes in the telnet interface of mldonkey we finally built a solution to work with all 2.0x versions available (we hope Read the installation instruction to get it work on your mldonkey.
Two new other things in this release:
- you can now rename files in your download list (look at the details of the download)
- Up- and download stats can be displayed on top of the page... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-03-30

New theme: Aqua

A new theme has been released. It has a look and feel like the best Operating System: MacOSX-Aqua ;-)

It'll be also part of 0.6.1 (coming soon)

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-03-22

Compatibility with mldonkey 2.04

mldonkey had some changes in 2.04 so the gui doesn't work properly.

There are two majow points:
1) mldonkey has users now, so an update for the login had to take place (done in the current CVS version)
2) mldonkey now features coloured output in telnet, which breaks our system of parsing the output. We'll fix that as soon as possible (it's CeBIT...) and release 0.6.1.
A workaround is writing... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-03-13

Finally, phpEselGui 0.6.0 was released

After more than a month, we're proud to release the next version of phpEselGui: 0.6.0!

Here's a short summary of the Changes:
- Finally a working search-function
- Online documentation
- Much code cleanup
- New theme "websto"
- Better Language support (English, German ans French)
- Better support for the current CVS-Version of mldonkey (Still compatible with 2.02, of course!)
- and and and... if i wanted to tell you everything, i would post a diff-file ;) Have a look at it, you won't regret it!... read more

Posted by Roman Kreisel 2003-03-09

phpEselGui development team is growing

After having posted being unable to develop phpEselGui in the future (free time...) some "fans" of this project already decided to develop phpEselGui.

Have at look at member list of the project, we already had some nice discussions on what to build in the next versions. Discussions can starting now be read on the new mailing-list "phpeselgui-developer".

Maybe you also want to choin our team? Feel free to ask one of our admins how you can help us to build the best GUI for mlDonkey...

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-02-04

phpEselGui 0.6.0Alpha2 with some search functionalities here

What's new:
- Searching the eDonkey network is possible (but the list of results not...)
- Copy & Paste with Safari (MacOSX) is possible (recoding of "%7c" to "|")
- Some nice new functions (cutDonkeyResponse for ignoring the first lines in response ("stable version:") and bulidListTable to create a nice table (like in "view downloads") very simple (give an array to it and the table is drawn)
- Output of donkey responses is smoother now (formatted with "pre")... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-01-29

phpEselGui 0.5.0 out now

phpEselGui now reaches half the 1.0, now with these nice new features:
- Details are back (tested with mlDonkey 2.0.2)
- We have now much features regarding the servers (list, connect and disconnect)
=== Thanks to Benjamin Schieder
- In commandline and ed2k-start you get the input-fields also at the output screen (faster reentering of commands and links)
- phpEslGui is now also available in SPANISH
=== Thanks to Santiago "iguanas" Tavitian (who doesn't want to be called "Roberto" ;-)

Posted by Sven Walther 2003-01-12

phpEselGui 0.4.1 released

phpEselGui 0.4.1 has some improvements in the download-overview-page:
a) Filesizes are shown as Bytes, KB, MB and so on
b) Estimated time of download is displayed
c) some corretions on the sortings

Thanks to Hubert Denkmair

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-12-23

phpEselGui 0.4.0 - config.php corrected

So I'm using a PHP-file to get my server IP i wrote the inclusion of this file in my config.php.

Sorry, but in my package from 2002-12-19 to 2002-12-21 there has been this entry, too.

I uploaded the corrected version just a few seconds ago, so everything should be fine now.

If you download the "old" version you get an error like
"Fatal error: Failed opening required '../IP.php' ***" the only thing you have to do is deleting the second line in the config.php ("require ("../IP.php");").... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-12-21

phpEselGui 0.4.0 with options and telnet access

After some weeks of work in my company and with the start of my holidays the work goes on. Now phpEselGui is able to edit the settings of mlDonkey and has the ability of asking mlDonkey via telnet directly.

Some internal changes (config is now a class and the "details"-button can be switched off).

Next step will be the search-ability ;-)

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-12-19

phpEselGui 0.3.1pre3 out now

New Features:
- Password support for telnet-client ("auth")
o Feature Request
- Gui will ask you, if you really sure when killing donkey
o Feature Request
- You cannot start more than one mlDonkey anymore
o Bug Report

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-11-03

phpEselGui 0.3.1pre2 with mlDonkey 2.00 support

phpEselGui now supports the eDonkey-features (not overnet...) of mlDonkey 2.00 (which is, in my first tests, realy better ;) ... the use of version 1.16 is also possible...!

Details won't work for version 2.00 so far, didn't find the chunks view... in vd <num> it isn't anymore!?

Also added a maximum number of downloads (to many downloads slow down the donkey, view for the maximum number).... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-10-20

phpEselGui 0.3.0 Screenshots added and download fixed

Added some screenshots using Mozilla 1.1 (Win) and Chimera 0.5 (MacOS X). They can be viewed at

Also i fixed the download-file, which wasn't probably uploaded (don't know why, this time a test-download worked for me :)

And finally an addition to the documentation:
For using the you'll have to create a directory called "bla" in "mldonkey-distrib"
> mkdir /xxx/yyy/mldonkey-distrib/bla
to let it work correctly... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-10-17

phpEselGui 0.3 released

New major release with many improvements
- New user interface (graphical / css-style)
- ability of skinning (css and graphics (multilingual))
- Localizer included, starting with english and german
- In downloads-overview abilties of cancel and pause/resume downloads
- a debug-mode is accessable (logging in controller.log)
- documentation has been added
- english and german localizer and default skin included

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-10-15

First public release 0.2.6 out now

The first version for public use is out now (0.2.6).

Already working faetures:
- Start and stop of mldonkey (a shell script for starting incl. logging of the mldonkey output is in the .tar.gz). The user, which runs the webserver (e.g. nobody or apache) will be the starting user of mldonkey (so possible needed: "chown -R nobody.nogroup mldonkey-distrib)
- Getting an overview about running downloads, sortable by No, Name, Bytes, Percent finished, current speed and old.
- Getting details of downloads (Chunks (colourized bars), number of connectable clients).
- Submitting ed2k-Links... read more

Posted by Sven Walther 2002-10-07